Acne under chin and neck area only

Acne isa problem that is often experienced by some people. Acne can be anywhere; face, back, and neck. The face and back are the area most often overgrown with acne, but what about the Acne under chin and neck area only?

Why acne can grow under chin and neck area only? And why acne under chin and neck area can be very troublesome and difficult to remove. Let's see the next explanation!

In general, all acne will certainly be troublesome, acne on the face difficult to clean. Moreover acne that are difficult to reach, such as in the back and neck. Acne under chin and neck area is a very difficult to remove, traceable, difficult to treat, and even painful.

Causes of acne under chin and neck area only

Causes of acne under chin and neck area only

The cause of acne under chin and neck area is often caused by excessive buildup of dead skin cells, bacteria, and excess oil in the skin of the neck. In addition, acne usually appears in the under chin and neck because the under chin and neck area is difficult to reach and often missed when cleaning the whole body while bathing.

Type of Acne under chin and neck area only

The most common type of acne on the face is acne Vulgaris type, but in some people this type of acne can grow under chin and neck area only. The following are the types of acne based on the cause:

Acne in man's neck
For men, acne often grows in the lower neck of the chin, especially overgrown areas. Acne in a man's neck is caused by injuries when shaving, especially for men who shave their beards every day.
Acne on the neck is a type of acne keloidalis nuchae, where the acne is formed because it is triggered by clogged pores by dirt after shave. Usually it is formed in the growing area of the beard. This acne will be more swollen because of the immune system response. The immune system tries to destroy an inflamed beard.

Chloracne Acne
Another type of acne that appears on the neck is chloracne acne. This acne is caused by chlorine substances.

Chlorine is usually found to clean or purify water. So in general, acne on the neck will appear after swimming in the pool containing chlorine substances.

At first this type of chloracne acne appears on the side of the face between the eyes with the ears and spread to the neck area. Skin pores fail to form when in contact with chlorine substances so that the pores will form become larger and easily filled by sebum and dead skin cells. Eventually the acne will appear under chin and neck area.

Cysts  Acne
Acne cyst is a pimple often suffered by dark-skinned people. This acne cyst is the most difficult to cure acne. Because of acne this cyst grows in the pores of the skin quickly before it is destroyed by the immune system.

Sport acne
Other type of acne that grows under chin and neck area is the sport acne, often called mechanica acne. This condition is caused when there is irritation to the neck which may be caused by friction when exercising and then cuts the entry of sweat irritation.

Whether Acne under chin and neck area Indicates a Certain Illness

Acne that grows under chin and neck area can be a sign of a disease. So you have to be careful if there is a lump similar to acne. The following are some of the diseases marked by acne that grow in the neck:
  • Swollen lymph nodes. This swollen lymph node indicates the presence of throat, tooth, tuberculosis, and lupus infections.
  • Cyst. Different types of acne cysts with cysts because these cysts are small and feels like a pea when pressed.
  • Cancer. Acne on the neck can be cancer if you have an unhealthy lifestyle.

How to deal with acne under chin and neck area

How to get rid of acne under chin and neck area generally the same as how to get rid of acne on the face,
  1. Diligently clean the face evenly to the neck area. Cleaning the neck with natural ingredients is highly recommended before using chemical drugs. Natural ingredients are like cucumber or lime or Honey
  2. Use a face mask evenly up to the neck area to remove excessive oil content on the face and neck.
  3. Use a facial cleanser that is completely able to remove acne such as retinoic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and antibiotic ointments.

How to get rid of acne under chin and neck due to shaving

How to get rid of acne under chin and neck due to shaving

How to get ridof acne under chin and neck due to shaving not only clean it with how to clear acne in General. This Acne can be overcome by using tretinoin ointment to open beard follicles so all the dirt in the pores or polikel the beard can get out. In addition, antibiotic ointments can use for maximum results.

As much as possible do not try to pry yourself or remove the contents of this acne because this will cause a serious infection of the neck, even bacteria that are in the neck can enter the bloodstream.
In addition to preventing the appearance of acne shavings in men can be prevented by using a razor safely.

How to get rid chloracne acne
There is no drug that can treat acne caused by chlorine, but 2-3 years without exposure to chlorine will help the skin to heal itself from acne.

Cyst acne
How to treat yourself by piercing with a needle will cause acne cysts to get worse. The medicine that you can use to relieve cyst acne is by using a medication of tretinoin ointment. This drug is able to stimulate the growth of skin cells in the cyst so that it can be cleaned. Usually at 3-4 weeks the cells will die and acne cyst will open.

It is important to use sunblock on the back of the neck during the treatment of tretinoin to prevent black spots. Use a sunblock containing SPF-30 and vitamin E, and apply a morning tretinoin ointment.

Acne Due to Sports
Treatment of acne of this type is very easy to do. Avoid friction on the neck and bathing as soon as possible after exercising to clean up the dirt and sweat on the neck.

Sweat can be a major factor problem from the appearance of acne under chin and neck. Sometimes when outdoor activities with the scorching sunlight generated by the body mixed with dust attached to the skin surface.

This condition can be the cause of acne under chin and neck. Especially you include the type of person who rarely bathed or only bathe once a day. Because it is important to always maintain skin health, especially the neck area.

Although the neck is part of the body has a sensitive skin in comparison with other skin on the surface of our body. If cleaned up in the right way it will make our neck look clean and well groomed. As well as the neck becomes younger and free of wrinkles.

acne under chin and neck area only Due to Sports

The collar too narrow cause of acne under chin and neck
In terms of maintaining the appearance, sometimes we forget the comfort of the clothes worn. It could have a narrow and small collar. But because of the good shape and in accordance with the event you want to attend, unfortunate if the clothes as good as this is not used but in let it just hang in the cupboard rag. As a result of this habit actually makes the neck of swelter and sweat does not flow perfectly.

Sweat is trapped inside and the pores do not get air to breathe. So the ends of the neck are in a very humid condition. In the same condition gradually it causes acne under chin and neck. Therefore it's good you pay attention to the size of your own collar so as not too narrow or too loose in order to maintain the appearance and also maintain health.

Bacteria cause of acne under chin and neck
The next cause of acne under chin and neck is the bacteria that cause acne. These bacteria attach to the skin surface and can cause acne under chin and neck. If acne has arisen it will be very difficult to treat it, especially acne on the neck can disturb your appearance every day. Acne-causing bacteria can be killed by giving natural ingredients or chemical drugs to reduce the amount of acne on the neck.

Do not let the acne under chin and neck get worse. If there is one inflamed pimple it is a good idea to go to a specialist to help treat acne on an inflamed neck. Because if left just the amount of acne appears on the neck becomes more than before.

Wrong Food cause of acne under chin and neck
The next causative factor of acne under chin and neck is the food consumed daily. Foods such as nuts, fries and fast food contain high oils that are not good for skin health and neck skin. Generally the food is in the fry less healthy because it contains oil while a healthy food is a food that is on the boil. Food is boiled to avoid oil or other ingredients as flavoring. Although it feels a bit bland you can add salt to give a more delicious flavor

It's good you to try foods that are boiled and eliminate the habit of eating unhealthy foods. Good thing to meet the body's need for nutritional vitamins,  vitamins needed by the body contained in the benefits of vegetables and the benefits of fruits to maintain your skin health. In choosing the fruit choose the fruit that is fresh and not wilt. Because the fruit is still fresh certainly has good nutrition for health.

Razor cause of acne under chin and neck
In shaving the beard it is also important to use a sterile and healthy razor. Razors that are not clean exactly become the cause of acne under chin and neck. Therefore, every use of a razor is directly cleaned so as not to cause unhealthy effects for facial skin on the neck. It is important to maintain healthy skin of the neck because the razors are not clean can cause allergies to the skin. Allergic skin is characterized by itching and redness of the skin. Usually if it has arising itching then a few days later will appear acne on the skin of the under chin and neck one by one.

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