8 Powerful Ways to Remove Acne Scars with Egg White

8 Powerful Ways to Remove Acne Scars with Egg White - Everything about acne is undeniably very annoying to everyone who has ever felt their skin decorated by acne. There are various causes of acne and the occurrence of acne is present in various places, such as on the forehead, cheeks, eyebrowunder the lips, until the back. Acne may indeed not be painful, but the psychological impact of acne which cannot be underestimated. The emergence of acne of course will make a person's confidence level decreased, so that various ways taken every person to get rid of acne and acne scars quickly.

Well, one powerful way to remove acne scars that adorn your skin is to use egg whites. Curious what is the benefit of egg whites for your acne skin and various ways to get rid of acne by using an egg white mask? Here is the review for you. The Benefits of White Eggs for Acne Before you look at the various variations of how to use egg whites to remove acne scars, and then beforehand you need to know the assortment benefits of egg whites for your acne face.

8 Powerful Ways to Remove Acne Scars with Egg White

The following are the benefits of egg whites for acne.
  • Egg whites are rich in various nutrients and sources of amino acids that will renew your skin cells and can also absorb excess oils in your facial skin.
  • Egg whites contain an enzyme called the Lyzozyme enzyme that can potentially kill the bacteria that cause acne.
  • Egg whites also have astringent substances, which makes egg whites can prevent acne later in life.
  • Egg whites have exfoliate properties, which means that egg whites can lift and remove dirt that settles on your skin, and can also remove dead skin cells from your skin.
  • Egg whites contain a protein compound called albumin that will naturally kill the bacteria that cause acne because these protein compounds can damage the structure of acne-causing bacteria cells.
  • Egg whites can also minimize the pores of the facial skin, thus reducing the risk of excess oil blockage in the skin pores that will lead to the occurrence of acne.
  • Egg whites are also a source of Vitamin B complex that has proven its efficacy as a source of antioxidants that can ward off free radicals and fight the danger of acne infections that can cause inflammation.
  • Egg whites have also proven their efficacy in cleansing your facial skin and preventing the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

Once you know the various benefits of egg whites for acne on facial skin, it's time for you to know various ways to remove acne scars with egg whites.

Here is a variation on how to make an egg white masks to remove acne scars:

1. Using Egg White Mask

The first way is to turn the egg white into a natural mask. Once you know the various benefits of egg whites above, then you certainly have to know is not the benefits of an egg white mask for acne? 

How to use an egg white mask for acne scars?
  • First, you must separate the egg whites from the yolks. After that, place the egg whites in a container and whisk the egg whites for a while.
  • After that, apply egg whites to your skin area where there are acne scars. Then let until this egg white mask dries on your skin.
  • After the mask dries, then immediately rinse your skin using warm water and dry it immediately. Do not forget to notice how to wash the right face for acne prone skin.
  • For maximum results, use this egg white mask on a daily basis.

Alternatively, you can use this egg white mask just before you go to bed and let the egg white mask soaks overnight in your skin. In the morning, immediately rinse your skin with clean water.

2. Using the Mix of Egg White and Honey

The second way is also powerful to remove acne scars is to use a mixture of egg whites and honey. How to get rid of acne with honey is already widely known by the public. Mixture of egg whites and honey is indeed very useful to accelerate the process of exfoliation of dead skin cells.

How to use egg white mask and honey for acne scars?
  • First, you need to prepare egg whites with honey, if you use 1egg whites, just add 1 teaspoon of honey, and then stir the mixture until mixed evenly.
  • After that, immediately apply the mixture to the area of ​​your skin affected by acne and wait until the mixture dries on your skin.
  • After the mixture dries, immediately clean your skin with warm water.
  • For maximum results, use this mixture regularly every day.
  • Alternatively, you can use this mixture just before bedtime. Let this mixture permeate overnight and rinse your skin immediately in the morning.

3. Using the Mix of Egg White and Tea Tree Oil

The third way is also powerful to remove acne scars is to use a mixture of egg whites and tree tee oil. Tea tree oil has very powerful properties to get rid of dead skin cells and also can trigger the growth of new skin cells.

How to use egg white mask and tea tree oil for acne scars?
  • First, you need to prepare egg whites with oil tea tree. Then mix 1 egg white egg with 4 drops tea tree oil. After that, mix this mixture evenly.
  • After mixed evenly, immediately apply this mixture to the area of ​​your skin exposed acne scars, then wait between 15 to 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, immediately rinse your skin using water that is not hot and also not cold.
  • For maximum results, you need to use this mixture once a day on a regular basis.

4. Using the Mix of Egg whites and Lemon

The fourth way is also very powerful to remove acne scars are to use a mixture of egg white and lemon. The benefits of lemon for acne scars are no doubt the potency. Lemon is rich in Vitamin C which will make your skin look healthy and bright naturally, which makes your acne scars more disguised.

How to use egg white mask and lemon for acne scars?
  • First, you need to wash your skin with clean water first.
  • After that, mix the egg white with lemon juice. Then stir this mixture until the egg white and lemon juice are evenly mixed.
  • After that, immediately apply this mixture to your skin area where there are acne scars. Let stand for approximately 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, immediately rinse your skin with warm water, and then proceed with cold water.
  • For maximum results, use this mixture once daily on a regular basis.

5. Using the Mixture of  Eggs White and Olive Oil

The fifth way is also very powerful to remove acne scars is to use a mixture of egg whites and olive oil. How to get rid of acne with olive oil is no doubt the potency. Olive oil can moisturize your skin, so it can prevent infections and inflammation of acne that can leave scars.

How to use egg white mask and olive oil for acne scars.
  • First, you need to prepare 1 white and 1 teaspoon of olive oil, and then stir the mixture until well mixed.
  • After that, apply the mixture to your skin area where there are acne scars, and let stand for approximately 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes, immediately wash your skin using clean water, and then dry it immediately.
  • For maximum results, you can use this mixture once daily on a regular basis.

6. Using the Mix of Eggs White  and Oatmeal

The sixth way that is also very powerful to remove acne scars is by using a mixture of egg whites and oatmeal. Oatmeal is one of   the proven acne-fighting foods. This oatmeal turns out to have a property that can get rid of dead skin cells and also get rid of excess oil from the skin.

How to use egg white mask and oatmeal for acne scars?
  • First, you should mix oatmeal with warm water, but not too much water so oatmeal becomes less dilute.
  • Mix 1 egg whites into oatmeal then stir until the mixture is evenly distributed.
  • After that, apply the mixture to your skin area with acne scars, then let the mixture seep in your skin for 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse your skin immediately using clean water.
  • For maximum results, use this mixture at least twice a week on a regular basis.

7. Using the Mix of Eggs White and Bananas

Seventh way is also very powerful to remove acne scars is to use a mixture of egg whites and bananas. Bananas turned out to be one of the natural and powerful acne remover . Bananas are rich in antioxidants and can also nourish your skin and make your skin brighter naturally, making acne scars more obscure.

How to use egg white mask and banana for acne scars?
  • First, you need to prepare 1 banana, then mash the banana until smooth, then add a little water so that the banana has a liquid texture.
  • After that, mix 1 egg white eggs into the banana collision, then stir until the mixture is evenly distributed.
  • After that, immediately apply the mixture to your skin area affected by acne scars. Let the mixture seep in your skin for 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse your skin immediately using clean water.
  • Use this mixture at least twice a week on a regular basis to get maximum results.

8. Using the Mix of Eggs White and Coconut Oil
The eighth way that is also very powerful to get rid of acne scars is to use a mixture of egg whites and coconut oil. Coconut oil has antiseptic properties that can kill acne-causing bacteria and can also prevent inflammatory acne infections.

How to use egg white mask and coconut oil for acne scars?
  • First, you need to prepare 1 egg white with coconut oil. Then mix 4 drops of coconut oil into the egg whites and then stir the mixture evenly.
  • After mixed evenly, immediately apply the mixture to your skin area that there are acne scars. Allow the mixture for about 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse your skin immediately using clean water.
  • You can use this mixture of egg white and coconut oil once daily on a regular basis if you want to get maximum results.

Suggestion of Egg White Use to Treat Acne Scars

Well, once you know the various ways to use egg whites to prevent acne scars, then you of course also have to pay attention to some suggestions that will be very useful for you if you want to remove acne scars by using egg whites. 

8 Powerful Ways to Remove Acne Scars with Egg White

Here are some suggestions on using egg whites:
  • Make sure that you do not use egg yolks, because when you use egg yolks, it will actually trigger excess oil production in your skin, which in the end of course has great potential to cause new acne on your skin in the future.
  • If you include people who have long hair, you should tie and trim your hair first before using this egg white mask. When an egg white mask sticks to your hair, this will make the hardened eggshell mask hard to remove in your hair.
  • When you use an egg white mask, apply it carefully and do not get exposed to the area of ​​the mouth and eyes. Therefore, during the process of applying this egg white mask, you should not move much.
  • When you want to try to use this egg white mask, make sure that it does not have a history of allergy to egg whites. 
  • This egg white mask is actually less suitable for those of you who have a dry skin type. However, if you have a dry skin type and also want to use this egg white mask, then it is better after washing your skin, immediately use your trusting skin moisturizer.

 Well, now you already know everything you need to know about the benefits, how to use, and tips on using egg whites for your acne scars. Do not forget, in addition to using this egg white mask, you also must apply a healthy way to avoid acne in the future. 

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