How many tca peels to remove acne scars

How many tca peels to remove acne scars - Appearance is one of the things that become an assessment of a person. Women in particular will do things that can support their appearance in public, one of them is by doing beauty treatments. One way they go is by doing self-care to the salon, sauna, or other beauty experts.

The term TCA and TCA and chemical peels is familiar to our ears. This is a method of treatment on the skin by using chemicals that are usually applied to the face. Acne facial treatment method is to remove dead skin contained in the horn layer to occur skin regeneration with new skin growth. TCA and TCA and chemical peels  is usually used as a way to remove acne scars, spots, enlarged pores, fine wrinkles, dull skin, and uneven skin pigment.

So what is TCA and TCA and chemical peels? 

TCA (Tri Chloroacetid Acid) belongs to medium depth peeling category. TCA is able to reach deeper skin layers than AHA or GA. AHA and GA are contained in many beauty cosmetics. TCA and chemical peels can overcome dull skin problems, uneven colored bits, large pores, rough skin texture, and acne scars.

how many tca peels to remove acne scars

Peeling TCA can be used for all body parts, including face. But for the folds closed like the armpits and groin (specifically the armpit area and groin use TCA 5% OR 10% for the face use TCA 5%)) For the body use tca 20%

TCA and chemical peels is a beauty procedure that is widely used in beauty clinics (another widely used procedure is botox). If you use TCA peels in accordance with the rules of use, of course TCA peeling is safe to use. You can also use home-peeling peeling at a certain level. Peeling TCA in this package has levels of 5%, 10%, AND 15% and a maximum of 20%

Peeling TCA is one type of TCA and chemical peels that can be used at home, serves to regenerate dead skin through peeling

The result of using TCA peels is brighter, smoother, and firmer skin All our customers are satisfied with the results of their use. peeling TCA is a skin rejuvenation process by applying a number of acid solutions on the skin to improve skin conditions due to various problems such as dull skin / uneven skin tone, large pores / rough skin texture / acne and marks / spots / fine wrinkles and loosening of the skin .

With this exfoliation is expected to take place new healthy skin cells and skin firming effect. Chemical Peel will not attenuate the skin, because it will of new skin cells. Peeling is done regularly it will make the skin is always healthy.

also read other article :

The purpose of using TCA and chemical peels:
  • Improves skin texture by reducing fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth
  • Reduces wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging.
  • Improve the appearance of minor scars
  • Reduce acne
  • Reduce spots and black spots due to pregnancy or use of birth control pills
  • Reduce blackheads
  • Improves skin collagen
  • Reduces excessive oil production on facial skin

The content contained in TCA and chemical peels, including:

ALPHA HYDROXY ACID. including glycolic acid and lactic acid derived from fruits and other plants. Both types of fruid acid is very effective to penetrate the upper skin layer. Its purpose is to help stimulate new collagen, new skin growth, and remove dead skin cells.

SALICYLIC ACID. is a compound contained in fruits that work to remove acne scars, help reduce the oil levels on the face, and speed up the skin regeneration process. This substance can penetrate into the pores that contain sebum (natural skin fat), causing exfoliation of cells lining the pores. This substance is good used on oily and blackheads.

MANDELIC. acid is usually found in almond fruit that serves to reduce the problem of pigmentation on the skin.

SOLUTION JESSNER. a mixture of salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol. This substance can penetrate the deeper layer of skin.

RETINOIC ACID. a compound that is a vitamin A derivative can be used to reduce wrinkles, pigmentation, and minor skin damage.

TRICHLOROACETIC ACID (TCA).This substance is used for exfoliation of central and inner parts.

PREPARAT FENOL. This substance is not widely used in TCA and chemical peels. Because penetration very deep and not suitable for Asian skin type.

TCA and TCA and chemical peels effects

How many tca peels to remove acne scars

Well with the content used at the time of TCA and chemical peels would have a pretty dangerous effect for the future.

Here are some TCA and chemical peels effects to remove acne scars.

1. The skin layer becomes thin. Due to the thinning of the skin layer, can result in reduced skin elasticity. So the skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight and does not have enough pigment to protect from premature aging.

2. Redness appears on the skin. The process of using TCA and chemical peels can result in the appearance of redness of the skin, this can last for several months.

3. The appearance of scar tissue on facial skin. Scar tissue usually occurs at the bottom of the facial skin. Cases of scarring are rare. Treatment can be by using antibiotics that serve to disguise visible scars.

4. May cause skin discoloration. TCA and chemical peels can also cause hyperpigmentation (the skin becomes darker than before). This is common in the more superficial layers of the skin. TCA and chemical peels can also lead to hypopigmentation (skin changes that are lighter than normal). Skin discoloration is more common in people who have darker skin and this can result in permanent skin changes.

5. TCA and chemical peels can cause acne. TCA and chemical peels can result in the appearance of a white bump (milia) on the facial skin. Acne may also occur due to the use of oily creams on the face.

6. May cause infections and swelling of the face. TCA and chemical peels may result in a herpes virus flare-up that inflicts an infection wound.

7.More easily exposed to spots and black spots. Women who live in the tropics, have skin bermelanin many, so the skin is more colorful. When the bleaching process is done, the skin pigment will decrease and cant help reject the sun. The result precisely arises flecks in the face.

8. Heart, kidney, and liver damage. TCA and chemical peels that use carbolic acid (phenol) can cause heart muscle damage that can result in death. In addition, the phenol content found in TCA and chemical peels can also damage the kidneys and liver.

Must Avoid TCA and TCA and chemical peels If?
TCA and chemical peels is not a suitable method for anyone, someone with the following characteristics, should avoid using TCA and chemical peels:
  • Has dark skin
  • Skin speckled
  • Pale skin
  • Has keloid (scar tissue)
  • Has an abnormal skin pigment
  • Have warts on the face
  • Pregnant and lactating women

Read also:

Tips for safe use of TCA and chemical peels:
  • TCA and chemical peels should not be done on acne prone skin
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight after doing this process (approximately 3 days)
  • Use sun block to protect skin from the sun
  • During the TCA and chemical peels process, you will feel the burning sensation on your facial skin. Compress it with cold water to lighten it.
  • Stop use night cream for 3 days/depending on skin condition.

TCA and CHEMICAL PEELING - how to use at home to remove acne scars.

1. TCA 5% Home Peeling safe use for 2-3 weeks 1times.

Function: remove acne scars also exfoliation of dead skin cells, remove spots, prevent skin aging, tighten the skin.
TCA 5% safe for face, neck, armpit, groin & other skin folds.

How to use: Flatten all over the face, then if there is compression stinging with ice water or let stand in front of the fan, if itchy skin leave it, this reaction from peeling. After 10 minutes, rinse with water (also can rinse the bath in the morning). During a week acne scars and the spots will be thinning and skin clean.

2. TCA 10% Home Peeling safe to use for 2-3minggu 1 times.

Function: remove acne scars , exfoliation of dead skin cells, remove spots, prevent skin aging, tighten the skin.
10% TCA is safe for peeling face, upper arm, thigh, body.

How to use: Flatten all over the face & body in peeling, then if there sore then compress with ice water or let stand in front of the fan, if itchy skin leave it, this reaction from peeling. After 10 minutes, rinse with water (also can rinse the bath in the morning). During a week acne scars and the spots will be thinning and skin clean.

3. TCA 15 % Chemical Peeling

Function: Exfoliation of dead skin cells, removes black spots, prevents skin aging, tightens the skin.
TCA 15% safe for acne scars, scar / pockmarks, back, legs, hands, remove acne scars

How to use:
Face: Flatten all over face, let stand 5-10 minutes, compress with ice water.
Body: 445Flatten the body part in peeling, rinse the morning with a shower.

Peeling GA (Non exfoliation)

Peeling GA / AHA is peeling whitening, spots & always need neutralizer.
Peeling GA 20% for non peeling faces.
GA 35-70% for the body.
Peeling GA 35-70% can also be used in the face but specially people who have experience doing chemical peeling.

1. Peeling GA 20%

How many tca peels to remove acne scars

How to use:

Clean the face from the rest of the makeup, then apply peeling GA, let stand 1 minute then apply neutralizer liquid. Once clean, apply nutri cream, then overwrite with sunblock.

Treatment after peeling  :

Day: apply Sunblock every 3 hours 1x.
Night: use AFA serum to help exfoliate dead skin cells so that the face is shiny clean.

2. Peeling GA 35-70%

For face : Apply GA evenly, apply max 1 minute then give liquid neutralizer.
For body : Apply GA / AHA evenly, let stand max 3 minutes then give liquid neutralizer.
For the folds, thighs, arms, the body apply thin peels.
For the back, hands, feet apply just enough.

Treatment after peeling  :

Face: always use sunblock every 3 hours 1x, use nutri cream in the morning & afternoon during the process of exfoliation. At night, use AFA serum, smeared flat on the face, then let stand until seep, then replace it with night cream. For faces that experience peeling, until the second day after the new peeling may wear night cream. This is to avoid irritation of the skin after peeling.

Body: Use SPF 30 whitening body during the day, & Use handbody whitening Flek / intensive bleaching for night lotion, for maximum results.

Peeling TCA (exfoliation) No need neutralizer.

TCA Peeling is useful for removing dead skin cells / skin regeneration, fading of black spots, mosquito bites etc., flattening striped skin, helping to overcome scar / pockmark, overcoming dull skin.

TCA 10% safe to use on face, body, arms, thighs, skin folds (but smear thin).
15% TCA is safe to use on the face (acne scars-pockmarked skin) - safe to wear on the back, legs, hands.
TCA 20% safe to wear on feet, hands, back, face pockmarks of acne-thick scars.
TCA 35-50% just simply apply the black / spots used to be removed.
TCA 35-50% must use neutralizer.

How to use :

Face: Clean face, apply TCA 10/15/20% evenly, wait 3-5 minutes then compress with ice water, or let stand in front of fan to overcome clekit2 in face.
Body: Clean body, feet, hands, then apply 10-15-20% TCA peeling fluid evenly, for skin folds use as thin as possible. After that let stand until morning, just sleep, rinse the morning with a shower. Day 1-3 skin will frown, day 4-6 peeling happened.

Treatment after peeling  :
Face: Always use Sunblock every 3 hours 1x, use Nutri Cream in the morning & afternoon during the process of exfoliation. At night, use AFA serum, smeared flat on the face, then let stand until seep, then replace it with night cream. For faces that experience peeling, until the second day after the new peeling may wear night cream. This is to avoid irritation of the skin after peeling.

Body: Use SPF 30 whitening body during the day, & Use Handbody whitening Flek / intensive bleaching for night lotion, for maximum results.

How to use Peeling GA and TCA will be maximal

How many tca peels to remove acne scars

  1. Apply GA peeling on body or face, after that give liquid neutralizer. Then smear TCA evenly - let stand until morning or until 5 minutes.
  2. Combine GA solution : TCA = 2: 1 , then apply on face & body, let stand for 5 minutes, then compress with ice water or let stand until morning.
  3. Use GA peeling in alternating, eg this week apply TCA, 3 weeks later apply peeling GA, so on.

Peeling Jesner (Peeling Acne Stone)

Peeling jesner is used for large pimply faces or stones. For faces that many black acne scars, should be assisted by wearing TCA peels. Peeling jesner does not need to be neutralizer.

How to use  :

Clean the face, then smear Jesner / Salicyl peeling evenly on the face. Let stand in front of the fan until it does not feel sore. Use peeling Jesner or Salicil, at least 1 hour after new peeling may be subject to water. After 1 hour or so, wipe the face with water, then apply TCA 10/15% evenly on the face, then leave it until morning or if not strong clekit-clekit, after 5 minutes compress face with ice water.
Use sunblock always during the day.
Use AFA serum before night cream to help maximal exfoliation process.

Peeling Salycil (Peeling small-medium acne).
How to use it like jesner. No need to be neutralizer.

Peeling AFA (for sensitive skin)
How to use like jesner and No need in neutralizer.

Peeling Phytic (for soft peeling)

1 Response to "How many tca peels to remove acne scars"

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    Hyperpigmentation of Underarm After Chemical Peel
