5 ways to get rid of acne use lime fast and powerful

How to get rid of acne use lime fast and powerful - Having a pimply face is undesirable to anyone, both men and women. Therefore, they are as much as possible to avoid various causes of acne based on internal and external factors; although they also do not realize there is still a cause of the growth of acne is often ignored. Not just factors like excess oil on the face that can cause the appearance of acne, but also because of the habit of the cause of acne that you often do.

Is it hard to deal with everything about acne? That is why when acne appears, various ways of getting rid of acne will be done. Using natural ingredients with minimal side effects is certainly better than using hazardous chemicals. One of the natural ingredients that you can use to get rid of acne is lime.

Benefits of Lime for Acne Face

5 ways to get rid of acne use lime fast and powerful

You who have acne prone skin is already familiar with benefits of lime for acne. Content in lime such as vitamin C is abundant; vitamin B1, essential oils, amino acids, sulfur, citric acid, and glycosides are very powerful to fight the bacteria that are in the acne. What are the benefits of lime that you need to know? This is it:

Decrease the pores of facial skin - The wide skin pores make it easy to enter sebum and dirt that trigger the appearance of acne, including cystic acne.

Cleans the face of dirt - Face filled with dust and dirt more prone to acne than a clean face, lime can clean your face to the deepest pores.

Kills bacteria on acne - Acne is a nest of bacteria that must be completely cleaned. The high acid content of lime effectively kills the bacteria present in the acne and prevents it from coming back.

Disguise acne scars - Lime juice is able to repair skin texture that is like scar or pockmarked due to acne scars.

Preventing acne inflamed - Acne can sometimes be very red and itchy. This is a sign that acne starts to get inflamed. Acne is inflamed susceptible cause irritation to your skin. The essential oil content in lime can prevent the occurrence of this inflammation.

Helps remove acne contents - Lime will help accelerate dry acne and stop growing. By applying lime juice to your face, the contents of acne will be removed and acne can heal faster.

Cure acne wounds - newly healed acne will certainly be a red wound on the skin. To prevent irritation and inflammation of acne scars, use lime so that acne wounds can also dry faster.

How to Get Rid of Acne with Lime Quickly

Here is how to get rid of acne with lime quickly that can be done alone at home:

1. Lime juice

5 ways to get rid of acne use lime fast and powerful

Lime juice alone without mixed with other natural ingredients is very effective to remove acne. The content of the lime, as already mentioned above, is very much and efficacious to remove acne on facial skin.

How to get rid of acne with lime that you can do is:
  • Take 1 piece of fresh lime juice and ripe perfectly.
  • Remove the seeds then squeeze the lime juice until it runs out.
  • Add water with 1: 1 composition. Never compress lime directly without mixing with water because it can damage the pH balance on your skin.
  • Dip the clean cotton in lime juice, let stand for 5 minutes.
  • Attach the cotton to the acne on the face; let the lime juice soak for 15 minutes.
  • Then lift the cotton from the face.  Do it this way every night before bed so you do not need to rinse face with water.
  • Wash your face until clean the next day after waking up.

2. Lime and salt

5 ways to get rid of acne use lime fast and powerful

One of the natural ingredients that is good for getting rid of acne is the salt of the kitchen. In the salt contain sodium chloride, sulfur, and potassium that can fight bacteria on acne. Salt also naturally will maintain a natural pH balance of facial skin to minimize the occurrence of acne.

How to get rid of acne with lime and salt are:
  • Take 1 lime and salt to taste in the container.
  • Slice the lime into 2 parts, and then dip the inside to salt.
  • Rub gently and gently the salt in the lime on the pimple.
  • Do not rub too hard because it can cause irritation; do for 2 minutes while squeezing lime juice.
  • Wash your face with cold water until clean.

3. Lime and White Eggs

5 ways to get rid of acne use lime fast and powerful

Benefits of egg white for acne face may have a lot you hear. The natural nature of egg white is as exfoliate that is able to remove dead skin cells on the skin. With the natural content of B vitamins, egg white can accelerate the growth of new healthy skin cells.

How to get rid of acne with egg whites and lime:
  • Take 1 orange juice, squeeze the water.
  • Prepare 1 chicken egg, separate yellow.
  • Mix both ingredients and shake until the egg white expands and stiffens.
  • Apply evenly to the entire face or on the area of ​​acne only.
  • Let stand for 15 minutes, and then wash your face with water until clean.

4. Lime and honey

5 ways to get rid of acne use lime fast and powerful

As a natural ingredient, the benefits of honey for acne include killing bacteria on acne because of the nature of the anti-bacterial possessed by honey. In addition, honey can also improve the texture of damaged skin due to acne.

How to get rid of acne with lime and honey:
  • Prepare 1 tablespoon lime juice, mixed with 1 tablespoon of natural honey.
  • Stir the two ingredients together.
  • Apply to the acne area.
  • Let the mask soak for 15 minutes then rinse with water until clean.
  • Wecan apply honey everyday

5. Lime and aloe Vera

5 ways to get rid of acne use lime fast and powerful

You must be familiar with the benefits of aloe Vera for acne, right? Aloe Vera is a powerful natural ingredient to prevent inflammation of acne.

How to get rid of acne with lime and aloe Vera:
  •  Prepare the two ingredients that are needed: 1/2 parts of lime which the water is squeezed and aloe gel sufficiently.
  • Natural aloe Vera gel can be obtained from aloe Vera meat.
  • Mix the two ingredients together. If the mask mix is ​​still thin, you can add honey or whites egg.
  • Apply on acne and whole face, then let stand for 15 minutes.
  • Wash your face with cold water until clean.

There are various ways how to get rid of acne with lime that can be done alone easily at home. Familiarize yourself to do how to care for the face so as not to breakouts so you do not need to feel the psychological effects due to acne such as decreased confidence. 

See how to make mask use lime

Lime And Honey for Acne

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