Forehead acne treatment overnight

Forehead acne treatment overnight can be done by using ointment or special oil for acne. Women always mess around with this one problem. Acne, wherever he appears always disturbing women because it makes the appearance becomes less perfect. Clean and smooth skin without acne would be a dream.

But the amount of activity to make facial skin should be exposed to a lot of dust and dirt. This dust and dirt settles in the skin and clogs the pores into acne. Not only that, women are required to always look excellent on all occasions. To support her appearance, women almost every day use makeup. Whereas use of makeup also one cause of the appearance of acne.

Especially for acne appears on the forehead, very closely related to the condition of hair and scalp. If your hair is bangs, then the bangs can trigger acne growth. Closed skin becomes hard to breathe so that dirt accumulated. Oily scalp or hair that is sweaty because it can also cause acne.

Well, there are many causes of acne on the face and the cause of small acne in the forehead, so the risk of acne on the face and forehead more easily occur. Well, if the acne on the forehead already appeared, then just calm down because there are some powerful ways that can get rid of acne on the forehead quickly

forehead acne treatment overnight

The Cause of Forehead acne

Before you know the various ways to Forehead acne treatment overnight, then it's good if you know what things that cause Forehead acne. Here are some causes of acne based on internal and external factors that cause acne on the forehead.

Genetic Factors.
One of the factors that cause Forehead acne let alone if not genetic factors. When you have a parent or grandfather or grandfather who has oily skin, then it is certain that your chances of having oily skin will be even greater. Excess oil in the area of ​​T, including the forehead, can cause acne on the forehead.

Excess Oil.
As mentioned above, the area of ​​T in the face, the forehead, nose, and chin are very prone to acne due to excessive oil production on the face. Especially on the forehead, excess oils that interact with dirt on the hair will cause inflammation that will bring out acne on the skin of your forehead. If it is so do step how to deal with inflamed acne.

Hormone Factors .
Factors hormonal imbalance is one of the main factors why acne on the forehead can appear. Well, what are the things that trigger hormone imbalance? Stress and depression will easily lead to hormonal imbalances in the body, which will make the skin produce more oil that can cause acne on the forehead. In addition, menstruation in women will lead to the characteristics of acne because menstruation factors imbalance types of hormones cause acne such as estrogen.

Less Maintain Cleanliness.
Well, this is a common cause of why acne on the forehead can come up to you. Your lack of attention to facial skin can cause acne on the forehead. Why is that? When you move, it can’t be avoided if your skin will be plastered with dust causing Forehead acne , dirt, and pollution that if not cleaned, then the dirt will clog pores and interact with the oil produced facial skin. As a result, acne will quickly be present on your forehead.

If acne has appeared on the forehead, then you should think next is forehead acne treatment overnight, so you remain confident to move the next day. Here's 8 Ways to forehead acne treatment overnight the most powerful you can try.

8 Ways to forehead acne treatment overnight

1. Toothpaste

Forehead acne treatment overnight using toothpaste

Toothpaste can not only clean the dirt in the teeth and make the teeth whiter. Another benefit that toothpaste has for its beauty is its ability to get rid of acne. Use a white toothpaste with no mint flavor or anything else. The way you do is also quite easy. Clean the face with a cleanser, then wash your face with soap. After that, grab a toothpaste of corn kernels. Apply only to the point of acne only. Initially it will feel hot or sore. That is a toothpaste token at work. Leave it overnight, then wash immediately in the morning after you wake up. Acne that last night will disappear. Try this is the 1st of 10 way most powerful forehead acne treatment overnight.

To avoid more severe skin irritation and inflammatory acne, use toothpaste without detergent. The compounds present in toothpastes are proven to kill bacteria in acne.

2. Tea Tree Oil

forehead acne treatment overnight use Tea Tree Oil

Using tea tree oil or tea tree oil is a 2nd way of powerful way to forehead acne treatment overnight. This oil is proven to cure acne. Tea tree oil extract is widely available in a series of international acne skin care products. This oil can be found easily in herbal medicine stores or herbal shops.

Tea tree oil has a content that can reduce inflammation of acne, swelling in the area of ​​acne, and does not cause redness in acne. Use tea tree oil at night before bed. Clean your face, then apply to acne using cotton. Tea tree oil will give a cool sensation to the skin. Do not be surprised if your skin is sore because oil starts to work to cure acne.

3.Ice cubes

forehead acne treatment overnight use Ice cubes

Ice cubes not only make your drinks fresher. The benefits for the skin is also very large, especially to eliminate acne. Acne that grows suddenly is very annoying, especially if you have to move on the next day.

Immediately take ice cubes in the refrigerator to prevent acne enlarged. The trick is very easy and of course also economical. Wrap ice cubes with a thin cloth or cotton. Touching the ice cubes directly to the skin will damage the capillary tissue. After compress ice cube for approximately 20 minutes directly to the acne. The next day the acne will shrink and disappear naturally. Ice cubes is way number 3 the most powerful forehead acne treatment overnight

4. Liquid astringent

forehead acne treatment overnight use Liquid astringent

Many equate astringent with toner. Astringent is different from toner. Astringent specifically for oily and acne skin because it contains an excellent anti-bacterial to remove acne.

Forehead acne treatment overnight is very easy. At night, clean your face thoroughly. Pour a few drops of astringent on clean cotton. Compress astringent on acne, leave overnight. The next day your acne will disappear completely.

5. Sea salt

forehead acne treatment overnight use Sea salt

Sea salt is widely used as a scrub base material because of its ability to remove dead skin cells. Sea salt does have a larger and rougher texture than regular kitchen salt. Pure sea salt first before use.

Forehead acne treatment overnight with sea salt by adding a few drops of water to the sea salt became form a paste. Do not let salt dissolve into the water. Apply salt pasta to acne, then leave overnight. Sea salt will kill the bacteria inside the pimple and eliminate it in an instant!

6. Aspirin Powder

forehead acne treatment overnight use Aspirin Powder

Aspirin has been known to work to relieve dizziness and pain in the body. Who would have thought Aspirin is also powerful to get rid of acne. Aspirin has anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Both of these benefits are needed by acne prone skin.

Forehead acne treatment overnight with aspirin is to destroy the aspirin tablet into a powder. Combine enough water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to your acne, leave it on overnight. Your acne will disappear by itself the next day.

7. Lemon

forehead acne treatment overnight using Lemon

Lemon fruit that has a very acidic taste has been known for its usefulness to eliminate acne and reduce excess oil on the face. Vitamin C content in lemons has many benefits such as killing bacteria on acne, reducing excess oil on the face, and lighten the skin naturally.
You can use lemon as one way to Forehead acne treatment overnight. Take the fresh lemon and sliced ​​a little. Make sure your face is cleaned first. Compress lemon on the forehead for 30 minutes. Wait until the next day, your acne will disappear without a trace.

8. Sandalwood Leaf

forehead acne treatment overnight using Sandalwood Leaf

Well, maybe you are still unfamiliar with this one leaf. Sandalwood plants have long been known as timber and oil-producing crops. Interestingly, it turns out the leaf part of the cendana plant has a variety of benefits for your skin health, one of which can treat various types of acne on the forehead. Do not believe? Here are some benefits of sandalwood leaves for acne on your forehead.

Sandalwood leaf is a cleansing agent that will remove any dirt and dirt on your forehead, so it will prevent you from acne on the forehead at a later date.

Sandalwood leaf is a natural antiseptic that is useful to get rid of acne, acne scars, blackheads, and dark spots on the face and forehead, so do not be surprised if the leaves of sandalwood can be used as a way to remove acne scars are blackened and  how to remove cheek acne scars .

Sandalwood leaves are a natural astringent that will protect your skin from any kind of acne, cuts, redness, skin and all kinds of signs of allergies.

How to overcome forehead acne treatment overnight using a sandalwood leaf

  • Prepare 4 pieces of sandalwood leaves then mash the leaves of sandalwood leaves until the texture becomes smooth. After that, mix with a little water and stir until evenly so that the texture becomes like pasta.
  • After that you can apply the collision of sandal leaves to the area of ​​your forehead where there is acne.
  • Let the sandal leaf collision seep in your skin for about 1 hour.
  • After an hour, immediately wash your skin by applying the correct face wash way for acne prone skin dry it immediately.

Tips to Prevent Acne Appears in the forehead

Keep hair and scalp clean
Acne that appears on the forehead could be due to dirty and oily scalp. Oil from the scalp and dirt propagate to the forehead and cause acne. Treat your scalp and hair to keep it clean so as not to make your forehead acne.

Avoid hair bangs
Hair that has bangs will indeed make the appearance more sweet and youthful. But bangs can also make forehead acne. Facial skin also needs to breathe so that the pores are not clogged. The presence of bangs on the hair makes the skin becomes difficult breathing and acne.

Clean the makeup after the outside activity
Make up is not immediately cleaned will settle in the skin and clog your pores. This is the beginning of the growth of acne. Do not be lazy to clean the makeup after you finish the move.

Replace Spreads and Cushions Routinely .
One simple way to avoid acne on the forehead is to regularly replace bed sheets and pillowcases. Why is that? It's not a secret if the skin of your face, including the forehead, is part of the skin that often interact with bed sheets and pillowcases, especially when you sleep. Bed linen and pillow cases are rarely replaced is a nest of bacteria and dust that if attached to your skin, will cause acne on the forehead.

Wash your face twice a day.
One simple way you should do is wash your face 2 times a day. That way, all the dirt, dust, bacteria, and pollution that stick to your forehead can be immediately removed and acne on the forehead will not appear.

Use Moisturizer.
Well, after you clean your face then better apply moisturizer and cleanser for acne and oily skin of your belief. Your facial skin, especially on the forehead, needs a moisturizer to cause the inflammation caused by oil and pollutants that are infesting your skin will not happen.

Do not Over-Use Cosmetics
Using excessive cosmetics will of course clog the pores of the skin on your face, including on the forehead. Well, the blockage of these pores will trigger the growth of acne on your forehead. Therefore, you better use the list of cosmetics for acne face, such as powder suitable for acne skin or foundation for acne prone skin

Washing Hair
 If your forehead is constantly overgrown with acne, then as much as possible you wash your hair every day. Well, why is that? When we do daily activities, it can’t be avoided if our hair and scalp will be overgrown with various oils, sweat, bacteria, dirt, dust, and other types of pollution. If your hair is overgrown with these things and your hair is attached to your forehead, then any kind of oil, sweat, dirt and bacteria in your hair will move from hair to skin on your forehead and the result will appear.

Wash your hair every day so that any pollutants that stick in your hair can disappear and will not cause acne in the future. Choose a shampoo that has mild or lightweight properties , so the content on the shampoo will not close the pores of the skin on the forehead and can be the  cause of inflamed acne .
Acne everywhere will always interfere with women. Do the tips above so that acne can disappear with an instant. But the most important thing is to always keep the skin clean so as not to become a den of acne. Good ladies!

1 Response to "Forehead acne treatment overnight"

  1. Very Informative post!! You have detailed all the natural remedies for acne treatment. The treatment can be done from home, I'll definetly try one of these solutions. Thanks for sharing this post with everyone.
