5 Ways to get rid of Acne with Tomatoes and Cucumbers

5 Ways to getrid of Acne with Tomatoes and Cucumbers - Stubborn acne is hard to remove is very disturbing, acne is very disturbing appearance and make us not confident. The decrease in self-esteem is one of the most undesirable psychological effects of acne. Not to mention if the acne is hard to remove. You must know the right way to getrid of acne.

One of the most effective ways to get rid of acne is to use a tomato mask. Tomato is one of the natural ingredients used for a long time to treat the beauty of facial skin. Who would have thought that tomatoes have a high content of vitamin C and effective to get rid of Acne?

Benefits of tomatoes for acne

Here are some of the benefits of tomatoes for acne that you need to know:
  • Lifting dead skin cells in the face so the skin looks fresh and radiant.
  • Clean the dust and dirt on the face so it does not clog the pores of the skin and cause the appearance of acne.
  • Get rid of Acne and acne scars effectively because the content of vitamin C in tomatoes can kill bacteria on acne.
  • Reduces excess oil on the face, due to high oil production potentially clogging pores and causing the appearance of cystic acne
  • Minimize the pores of the skin naturally so as not to get clogged by facial oil, dust and dirt.
  • Disguise black stains of acne scars by brightening the skin naturally.

Benefits of cucumber for acne

Here are some benefits of cucumber for acne that you must know:
  • Reduces inflammation in acne because cucumber is a natural ingredient that has anti-inflammatory properties, which can also relieve redness on acne prone skin
  • Kills bacteria that cause acne with antibacterial content owned. Anti-bacteria also makes acne reluctant to return again.
  • Minimize the pores of the facial skin with the natural astringent content of the cucumber. Cucumber is also very well used as a natural toner of the face.
  • Moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin after acne is overgrown. Because the acne skin is usually in unhealthy conditions such as stained or pockmarked.

Benefits of tomatoes and cucumbers for acne skin health are very much. No wonder many beauty and skin care products that use tomatoes and cucumbers as one of the natural ingredients to get rid of acne. Mixing tomatoes and cucumbers as a mask to get rid of acne is certainly the right solution.

Here's how to make a tomato mask for acne face mixed with cucumber and other natural ingredients.

1. Mask of tomato and cucumber

The first way is certainly the simplest, namely by mixing tomatoes and cucumbers alone, without any other ingredients. Choose a tomato fruit with perfect maturity, not too raw but also not too ripe.

How to make it is:
  • Prepare 1 medium fresh tomatoes and a fresh piece of cucumber to taste.
  • Blend the two ingredients together using a blender.
  • Mixed masks will definitely be very dilute because both tomatoes and cucumbers alike have a high water content.
  • Dip a clean cotton swab or a special gauze facial used for the mask.
  • Leave on for 10 minutes while put in the refrigerator.
  • After that remove the cotton or gauze, then paste to the entire surface of the face until evenly distributed.
  • Allow the mask for 20 minutes before rinsing with water until clean.


2. Mask of tomato, cucumber, and honey
Benefits of honey for acne for acne are already widely known because this material is very effective in eliminating acne. Anti-bacterial content in natural honey is also able to prevent acne so as not to return again.

5 Ways to get rid of Acne with Tomatoes and Cucumbers

How to get rid of acne with tomatoes and cucumbers mixed with honey are:
  • Prepare 1 fresh tomato and cucumber to taste and 1 tablespoon of natural honey.
  • Blend tomatoes and cucumbers like the way before.
  • Add honey as a thickening mask so it is not too thin and drips on the skin when used.
  • If the mask is still too thin, add honey until the mask thickens.
  • Apply a mask to the entire surface of the face until evenly distributed, preferably in the acne area.
  • Allow the mask for 20 minutes then rinse with water until clean
  • Perform this treatment daily for maximum results.

3. Mask of tomato, cucumber, and egg white

There are many benefits of egg whites for acne facial that you can get. These benefits include maintaining skin moisture naturally, removing dead skin cells, reducing wrinkles on the face, removing all dust and dirt and toxins in the skin, and maintaining skin elasticity. Eggs whites contain many natural vitamins and minerals that are very good for the skin.

How to get rid of acne with tomatoes and cucumbers mixed with egg whites:
  • Prepare the necessary ingredients: 1 medium fresh tomatoes, fresh cucumber to taste, and 1 chicken egg (separate white with yellow).
  • Beat the egg whites until stiff and fluffy, and then puree the tomatoes and cucumber with a blender.
  • Combine the three ingredients and stir until evenly distributed.
  • If the mask mixture becomes very dilute, you can add a little honey as a thickener.
  • Apply mask to facial skin evenly, preferably on acne area.
  • If the mask is dripping, place a clean tissue on your face to prevent it.
  • Allow the mask for 20 minutes, and then rinse with water until clean.

This is very safe to do every day until the acne disappears.

4. Tomato and cucumber juice

One other effective way to get rid of acne with tomatoes and cucumbers is to process the two ingredients into juice. Eating tomato juice and cucumber is not only good for skin health, but also very good for your health. Tomatoes and cucumbers will detoxify your body naturally. During the detoxification process, all toxins will be excreted from the body through urine or sweat. So is the case with toxins and bacteria that grow on your acne.

The water content of tomatoes and cucumbers is quite high, so you do not need to add more water. Drink tomato juice and cucumber every day for the results shown fast and maximum.

5. Infused water from tomatoes and cucumbers

5 Ways to get rid of Acne with Tomatoes and Cucumbers

Infused water has recently become an alternative healthy lifestyle in the community. Water is the ultimate source of life that is very good for healthy body and skin beauty. The benefits of water are enhanced again by mixing fruit and vegetables in it. One of them is tomato and cucumber.

Here's how to make infused water from tomatoes and cucumbers that can be practiced on their own at home:
  • Prepare 4 fresh tomatoes and half the cucumber.
  • Take 1000 ml of water.
  • Slice thinly the two ingredients above, then put in water.
  • Make sure the water you put in a sealed container.
  • Put it in the refrigerator and leave it overnight.
  • Drink infused water the next day, and spends the day.
Infused water is very safe to drink even though the acne on your face is gone.

Those are some ways to get rid of acne with tomatoes and cucumbers that you can practice yourself at home. Good luck and good luck!

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