Best Acne Nodule Treatment

Acne Nodule - Acne is one of the main problems in the skin. The appearance of acne directly affects the appearance of the sufferer. Even in certain cases, inflamed acne causes pain in the face. One type of acne that is considered severe is acne Nodule.

Understanding Acne Nodule

Acne Nodule is acne that is bigger than acne in general and is clearly visible beneath the surface of the skin. This acne will usually feel pain if touched. The texture is hard, red, and prominent. Acne Nodule takes a long time to heal, and usually leave scars on the skin.

Acne Nodule is formed when the sebum blockage on the facial skin is mixed with dirt and dust. Acne Nodule feels like small beans growing under the skin. This acne is surrounded by red and white skin. Acne Nodule will be painful on the face and sore when touched.

There are two types of acne that fall into the category of acute acne, namely acne Nodule and cyst acne. Two types of acne is almost the same, protruding beneath the surface of the skin and painful. What distinguishes acne cysts with acne Nodule is, acne cysts are more severe than acne Nodule. Acne cysts already contain fluid that sometimes fester and can erupt at any time. Acne Nodule that get worse can become cyst acne.

Acne Nodule

Factors Cause Acne Nodule

Acne that is already severe is caused by several factors. Here are the factors that cause the appearance of acne Nodule on the face.

1. Use of excessive cosmetics

Cosmetics or make-up will close the skin pores when used. Therefore the skin becomes difficult to breathe and unable to remove the oil produced by the glands. This oil is then buried and collected into one under the surface of the skin.

2. Allergy to food

Allergies in certain foods can also cause acne Nodule. Food allergies cause inflammation of the skin causing red lumps if allergies also attack the face. This allergic injury clogs the skin pores, triggering the inflammation of the inflammation on the face.

3. Genetic or hereditary factors

Acne Nodule can also appear due to inborn characteristics of the skin. Skin that tends to be sensitive will be more easily affected by acne. Moreover if our skin including acne skin types.

4. The influence of hormones

Hormones also become one of the important factors causing acne Nodule. Especially in women, before menstruation or during pregnancy, progesterone hormone production increases to produce excessive oil content on the face. This is what then triggers the appearance of acne. If it gets worse, the acne will become inflamed and become nodule acne.

5. Excessive blackhead infection

The buildup of blackheads can lead to the appearance of acne Nodule. Increasingly blackheads will push the skin layer to form a red bump on the face. This lump contains dirt from blackheads and is capable of causing inflammation of the face.

6. Excess oil on the face

Acne Nodule will appear on the face when the oil glands on the face mix with facial hair follicles to form sebum. Sebum mixed with dirt will form acne that is hard and red. (Read Also: BB Cream Benefits for Acne Skin, Lemon Benefits for Acne Facial.

7. Frequently touching acne

One of the bad habits that can trigger the growth of acne Nodule is the habit of squeezing pimples. Small acne that is constantly touched will become more severe because it is mixed with dust and dirt on the fingertips. If it continues to do will cause the appearance of acne Nodule

Eliminate Acne Nodule Medically

The medical way is usually taken by women and men who want to eliminate it in a fast and secure way. Although the cost is not cheap, the results shown in this medical way are satisfactory. But do not arbitrarily buy acne remedy. Make sure you do how to remove acne Nodule medically over the supervision of a doctor. Here are some ways you can do:

Acne Nodule with laser

1. Laser

Laser is one of the most popular ways to get rid of acne. You can do it in a beauty clinic or in a dermatologist. How the laser works is to destroy acne cells from the skin surface and kill all the bacteria that cause acne. Treatment with lasers usually should be done 2-3 times until the acne is completely healed and lost.

2. Tetrasilkin

These drugs are usually prescribed by a dermatologist in patients with nodule wires. This drug is very powerful for treating all types of nodular acne. Doses given by doctors are usually 500 mg with different drinking rules, according to the level of acne suffered.

3. Erythromycin

Just like the previous drug, this drug should not be consumed without advice from a doctor. How Erythromycin works is to kill the bacteria that cause acne Nodule and works as an anti-inflammatory to prevent redness and inflammation in the areas of the skin around acne.

Removing Acne Nodule Naturally

In addition to medically, how to get rid of acne Nodule can also be done naturally. Eliminating acne is naturally selected by women and men because there are no chemicals so as not to cause side effects like most medical methods. Natural ingredients are also easy to obtain and easy to find. Acne Nodule can be removed with the following natural ingredients:

1. Oatmeal and Yogurt

 Acne Nodule with Oatmeal and Yogurt

Oatmeal and yogurt work as exfoliate that will erode dead skin cells. 

How to make it for removing Acne Nodule:
  • Take 1 teaspoon of mashed oatmeal and yogurt to taste.
  • Mix the two ingredients evenly.
  • Apply to areas overgrown with acne Nodule.
  • Let stand until half dry, then massage slowly until the mask fall off the face.
  • Rinse with warm water to clean the pores then dry with a cold water-dipped wet towel.

2. Powdered Cinnamon and Honey

nodules on face Powdered Cinnamon and Honey

Cinnamon and honey contain anti-bacteria that can eliminate the bacteria that cause acne and smooth the skin. 

How to make it for removing Acne Nodule:
  • Prepare cinnamon powder to taste, mix with water to form a paste.
  • Add honey to taste and stir until blended.
  • Apply mixture of mask to nodule acne.
  • Do it at night, and leave the mask on overnight.
  • Rinse the mask in the morning with water until clean.
  • Do this 3 times a week until the acne is healed.

3. Green Tea and Basil Leaf

cystic nodule with Green Tea and Basil Leaf

Green tea serves as an anti-oxidant that will remove acne-causing toxins, while basil is able to cleanse the skin to the deepest pores.

How to make it for removing Acne Nodule:
  • Prepare dregs of green tea and basil leaves to taste.
  • Boil both ingredients together with 100 ml of water until boiling.
  • Wait for the water until it is completely cold then prepare clean cotton.
  • Dip the cotton into boiled water tea and basil leaves.
  • Attach the wet cotton to the acne Nodule, allow it to stay overnight.
  • Wash your face in the morning with warm water, and then dry with a cold water-cooled towel.

4. Tomatoes and Honey

nodule pimple with Tomatoes and Honey

Benefits of tomatoes for acne are very much because tomatoes contain anti-bacteria that can cure acne as well as brighten and make skin look younger.

How to make it for removing Acne Nodule:
  • Prepare 1 ripe tomato, then puree.
  • Add honey to taste and stir until it resembles thick paste.
  • Apply mask all over face, bold in acne nodule area.
  • Let stand for 15 minutes, and then rinse with water.

5. Lemon and Milk

Acne Nodule with Lemon and Milk

Lemon is one of the most powerful weapons for acne. The benefits of lemon for acne face that is able to clean the skin, contains anti-bacterial and anti-oxidants that can cure acne while milk is able to brighten the face naturally and moisturize the skin. How to get rid of acne Nodule with lemon and milk:

    How to make it for removing Acne Nodule:
    • Prepare 1/2 pieces of fresh lemon, squeeze the water.
    • Combine with milk to taste and stir until blended.
    • Dip a clean cotton swab to mix the mask, and then attach it to the entire face.
    • Let stand until cotton dries, remove cotton.
    • Does not rinse face with water, leave it overnight
    • Rinse face with water until clean the next day.

    How to get rid Acne Nodule from Outer

    Acne Nodule with heallthy life

    How to get rid of acne Nodule not only by medically and naturally, there are several ways of treatment externally or from outside that can be done to remove acne Nodule. These are:

    1. Steam face

    Yawning face is one way to eliminate acne ala Korea that you must try. Facial steam can open the pores and clean all the dirt on the face. Acne-causing bacteria that can cause acne can also be removed in this way. The trick is very easy, i.e. boil water 500 ml. Then add 2 tablespoons sea salt, stirring until the salt dissolves. Position 30 cm face over hot water, then cover the head with a wet towel. Let face evaporated for 3 minutes then lifts the face from the hot water. Lightly pat the face until it is dry and not hot. Cover the pores of the skin with a towel soaked in cold water.

    2. Detoxification naturally

    Natural ingredients are not only good as acne masks only, but if taken regularly will make the skin look healthier and free of acne. Drink fruit and vegetable juices to remove toxins in the skin and body naturally. Good juice consumed is cucumber juice, apples, spinach, green apples, and oranges. Drinking infused water is also good for skin detoxification naturally.

    3. Drink plenty of water

    Simply drinking water every day is not only good for general body health, but also for skin beauty. With adequate water intake, facial skin will be well hydrated and moisture awake. Drink at least 8 glasses of water or 2 liters per day to prevent skin from acne.

    4. Diligent exercise

    Exercise does not only make the body more healthy and immediate to move only. With a regular exercise, the skin pores will open and all the dirt in it will come out along with sweat. In addition, diligent sports can make the skin firmer and youthful.

    5. Compress with warm water

    This method can soften the inflamed skin due to acne Nodule. Press your face using a washcloth dipped in warm water. Do not use water that is too hot because it can cause skin blister. Compressing the face with warm water will soften the acne Nodule so that easier treatment will be done.

    6. Apple cider vinegar

    Apple vinegar is the most effective medicine. Dissolve apple vinegar into a glass of warm water and drink daily until the acne is healed.

    7. Create a home mask

    Many homemask recipes that you can try to remove acne Nodule. Mixing lemon juice with honey can reduce the bacteria triggering the appearance of acne Nodule

    8. Avoid sweet and oily foods

    Sweet and oily foods are the main triggers of acne. If your skin is classified as breakouts, avoiding both types of food is mandatory.

    Acne has become one of the main skin problems today. For that it is important for you especially who have oily skin to always keep the skin clean. Skin is dirty and not maintained clean will be very easily attacked by acne.

    That's how to remove acne Nodule that can be done alone at home. Eliminating acne does require patience and a long time. Do not give up

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