Acne on jawline

One of the most difficult daily skin care problems is to deal with acne on jawline.  Blackheads and acne on jawline area damage the contours of your face. And reduce the attention of the eyes, nose, and expressive muscles under the cheeks and eyebrows of your face.

The type of acne on jawline is often not the same as the type of acne on the other face. This makes it more difficult to cope with acne on jawline.

What about acne on jawline :

  • Acne on jawline area is easy to see but difficult to treat.
  • One of the most important causes of acne on jawline is the mechanical pressure on the skin. Either from a strap that is too tight or from poorly installed dental appliances.
  • To help minimize acne on jawline, if you wear a hat or helmet with a strap that fits in your jaw, you should loosen a little, and immediately wash your face including your jaw area.
  • Smokers tend to have blackheads in the area of the jaw line.
  • Anything that reduces the swelling in the face helps reduce the visibility of acne on jawline area.
  • It is important especially to reduce swelling of the face if you have Asian or brown skin, which is pigmented with sun exposure.
  • Use a mirror that shows the side of your face and make sure you use acne treatment products all over your face, including the jaw line area, overcoming acne on jawline.

Acne on jawline causes

What Causes acne on jawline?

The types of mild to moderate acne most commonly occur on the forehead and cheeks area condition known as acne vulgaris or regular acne. The most common types of acne growing in the jaw line area are mechanical acne or irritated acne.

In the United States, teenagers who have acne in the jaw line area are usually those who play football or marching band (orchestra sequence), who wear helmets or hats for hours in a week. However, throughout the world, straps for hats and helmets as well as for dental appliances can cause irritation and acne at the tip of the jaw or acne on jawline

Causes acne on jawline / Mechanical Acne

Different from Jawline acne hormonal imbalance, the cause of mechanical acne appears under a tight rope is that the strap holds the sweat on the skin. Sweat encourages the growth of all kinds of bacteria in the pores.

If you are lucky, only acne bacteria breed. They mix with dead skin and facial skin oils in the pores of the jaw line area and clog the pores that quickly form blackheads and whiteheads (rice pimples).

If you are unlucky, staphylococcal bacteria - easily available in the dressing room and dressing room - can get trapped in the pores of the jaw line area. These bacteria cause bigger and much more prominent acne with deep yellow pus inside which often causes pain.

However you can have acne on jawline area even if you are not wearing a hat or helmet. Braces and spacers placed between and between teeth can tighten the skin in the jaw line area. The pores do not have a chance to dry and then occur acne.

Italian dermatologists working at the Hospital Physiotherapy Institute in Rome have observed that acne on jawline area appears to occur more frequently in adolescents and young adults who smoke. Smoking increases the production of acne rice and blackheads, and at least in Italy, about 80% of adults who smoke who have acne on jawline.

Doctors in the US have observed that acne in the chin and acne on jawline is more common in people of all ages. Especially young adolescent girls and women, who use toothpaste and mouthwash containing SLS ingredients, or sodium laurel sulphate (also known as sodium dodecyl sulphate outside North America).

What Can You Do To Overcome acne on jawline?

More important than skin care products, reducing the pressure on the jaw is the key to preventing acne on jawline area. If you keep the skin in the jaw as loose as possible, stains are rarely a skin problem. Which means loosening the rope and seeing the dentist about changes in retainer and spacer.

The next most important thing in treating mechanical acne is to cleanse the skin every time you sweat. If you can’t avoid sweat, you can at least wash it as soon as possible. It also helps to take off occasional hats and helmets during sports competitions or performances.

When you wash your skin, do not try to rub acne. But consider using a bath glove to cleanse your skin every time you wash your skin after sweating.

What's the Best Product to Overcome acne on jawline?

The skin in the jaw line dries faster than the rest of the face. Use a moisturizer around under the forehead and the side of the eye to prevent acne of rice and blackheads.

Swelling all over the face will not cause acne in the jaw line so much more. But the swelling makes acne that is already in the jaw line much more visible. Creams containing antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid stimulate fluid circulation. This cream should be packed in a compression tube inside a can or bottle, and the package must be opaque, to maintain antioxidant potential.

Using this cream can make acne in the jawline area less visible at the same time, while lightening bags under the eyes and swelling in the cheeks. If you have Asian or brown skin, caring for swelling also keeps the skin in the jaw line area from the sun, so there is only a slight change in skin color when the acne is healed.

A technique known as Facercise can also work very magically for acne on jawline area. The movements you take to keep the jaw from sagging also help keep the pores open. The added benefit of doing exercise every day to prevent multiple chins and slack jaw lines is the least acne on the jaw line.

Small Changes in Routine Skin Care that Prevent acne on jawline

There is no acne fighter product you need to buy especially for acne on jawline area. But you may need to use acne products that work in different ways.

When you look directly into the mirror, it is natural to apply skin care products on the eyebrows, on the cheeks, and on your nose. It's easy to ignore the chin and jaw line area. But using a mirror that also features the side of your face will make it easier to make sure you treat the acne problem in the jawline area as soon as it happens.

Make a conscious effort to care for the skin in your jawline area. You will not use a faster product. And you can even help with stains all over your face by using a light layer of creams and lotions.

How to get rid of acne on jawline area is a matter of changing the mechanical pressure on your skin. If you do, you will not have more acne on jawline area. But you still need natural acne treatments, preferably from the box of products from reliable companies.

Here are 10 tips from medical to prevent acne on jawline:

Keep Your Face Always Clean 

Acne on jawline

Whether you have acne on jawline or not is very important to always keep your face clean. Clean your face twice a day to clean the face of dead skin cells, dirt, and oil on the skin surface. It is recommended to wash your face twice a day or more better applying honey on your face

Use warm water instead of heat and facial cleanser. Use a mild soap because hard soap can make inflammation and aggravate acne. Avoid wiping the face too hard, clean the face gently and slowly

Use Make-up 

acne on the jawline

When you have acne on jawline , avoid using foundation, powder, or blush on. If you have to use make-up do not forget to clean it when coming home. Use makeup that does not cause acne on jawline

avoid heavy makeup or solid makeup like sticks and creams The same thing is true for bronzers or blush on shaped sticks, creams, or powder creams. The type of material that makes this product durable and solid (usually wax, or anything resembling a material such as polythylene or ethylhexyl palmitate) is very dangerous for acne prone skin.

If you are looking for a medium or full protection formula to disguise skin color fading, red marks, and acne, the liquid concealer can give you the power of makeup you want.

Carefully Use hair oil In Hair
Using products such as hair oil, can also cause acne. Because in general the hair products you use contain oil, silicone, and plasticizer that can clog pores when the hair comes into contact with your skin.
Avoid using fragrant oils, oils, or gels in your hair while you are Acne on jawline. Use a soft shampoo and conditioner because oily hair can add oil content to the face.

Do not Touch Face

Acne on jawline

Avoid touching your facial skin when it is acneor acne on jawline. Touching the face not only can spread the bacteria because it can further irritate the face when your skin is sensitive.

Hand is used to hold many things, it is possible to transfer the dirt, bacteria, viruses and fat from the environment outside to the face. So it is important to keep the hands so that they do not touch face frequently to avoid the movement of microorganisms.

Touching the face can also increase the oil on the skin. When touching the face it will stimulate the skin to produce more oil. Increased production of this unnecessary oil will clog pores and make acne more difficult to lose.

If you want to scratch or touch your face, always remember whether your hands are clean or if you are forced to use tissue coatings to scratch or rub the itchy face.

Avoid Sunlight 
Excessive exposure to sunlight in addition to darkening will also slow the healing process of acne scars. Melanocytes or pigment-producing cells also aggravate the condition because it can make the skin darker. Not only our whole skin area but acne scars will be darker and longer in healing.

By limiting our activity in the sun, then one of the causes of acne can be avoided. Sunlight in combination with dirt and sweat is a convenient place for bacteria to breed. This breeding bacteria is the embryo of the emergence of acne. Use of sunscreen moisturizer is absolutely necessary if we will move outdoors. Especially if in the dry season, the use of protective clothing, such as glasses, gloves, hats and umbrellas are also recommended by many dermatologist

Give Nutrition to the Skin 
Skin is an organ in the body that is important in addition to beauty, skin is important to protect our body from several environmental factors such as viruses, bacteria, some chemicals, and temperature changes. The skin also contains melanin pigments that protect the skin against ultraviolet light from the sun.

The skin also relies heavily on a healthy diet. The better our nutrition, the healthier and shine our skin. In addition to having a healthy diet, doing skin care is the best way to maintain the beauty and beauty of the skin. Not only the body needs nutritious substances to stay healthy, but the skin also needs nutrients every day to stay healthy and able to replace dead skin cells with new healthy skin cells. Expand the consumption of vegetables and fruits and avoid the consumption of foods high in fat


acne on jawline with sports

Do jogging at least 30 minutes every day, morning or evening. Jogging can be done in complex or field. However, do not forget to warm up first so you do not run out of breath and can manage your breathing well. Jogging has a good benefit for skin health, especially to keep moisture and help brighten the skin so that the skin is protected from acne and black spots due to acne can be quickly lost.

Exercise regularly is very good for the body including for the skin. Avoid using clothes or sports equipment that can irritate the skin. Remember to take a bath after a workout.

Avoid Psychological Stress
Some studies associate acne growth with stressful conditions. Stress is the trigger of the appearance of acne acne on jawline, because in a bad psychological state, the body's hormones can become unstable. Therefore avoid stress and enjoy life!

Lack of sleep

Acne on jawline

For those of you who usually sleep too late, you should note this important info for you. When a person is sleep deprived, then he will easily experience stress.

Well, as has been described above, that one of the factors causing acne is stress. In addition, sleeping too late can also aggravate existing pimples.

Because at the time of lack of rest, will force the body to produce more hormone insulin, so that acne can form easily.

Therefore, it is enough to sleep. Because when you fall asleep, the skin will regenerate on damaged skin cells, so that your skin condition can return to normal.

Adjust the diet

Acne on jawline ith diet

Acne can be overcome by regulating a healthy and balanced diet. The cause of acne itself can occur due to unhealthy food intake and too much oil and fat.

Avoid junk food and high sugar. change some intake with vegetables, fruit. do not forget to drink lots of water, because the white water plays a major role to moisturize the skin and remove toxins and impurities through the urine.

How to get rid of Acne on jawline that feels pain, can be treated by using anti-inflammatory cream that you can get when you go to a dermatologist.

That is the explanation we can provide. May be useful.

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