12 Benefits of Vitamin C for Acne

Benefits of Vitamin C for Acne - Vitamin C is very easy to find, even lots of foods containing vitamin C, such as lemon, orange, tomato, and other fruits. Certainly nothing is created without having meaningful functions and benefits. For that here we will review what the benefits of vitamin C for health and beauty, especially for acne skin.  

Vitamin C is very good for treating acne breakouts; sometimes the use of masks is mostly a mask that many contain vitamin C, because vitamin C and vitamin help regenerate skin and other benefits, for more details we will describe below, the benefits of vitamin C for acne prone skin is explained below.

12 Benefits of Vitamin C for Acne

12 Benefits of Vitamin C for Acne Skin

1. Helps skin regeneration

A well-regenerated skin will be able to make facial skin fast again, as well as when acne facial skin, will cause acne scars, and acne scars  that must be removed by skin regeneration. And the skin will be regenerated when there is a supportive vitamin such as vitamin C.

2. Fight free radicals

Vitamin C can fight free radicals, so vitamin C is able to maintain the freshness of skin and skin health, with the existence of free radical skin will be easy to acne, but if there is a visit to the bacteria from free radicals must be skin better.

3. Provides immunity to the skin

Immune to facial skin is also needed for facial skin is not easy to acne when exposed to bacteria or dust from the outside, usually skin that does not have good skin immunity will be easily exposed to acne, and the face will more easily look dull.

4. Overcoming inflammation of the skin

With vitamin C then the acne will recover faster, because the formulation of vitamin C that is overcomes the inflammation will help acne easy to overcome and inflammation of acne will not be too severe. Consumption of vitamin C will also reduce the risk of getting infected to inflamed

5. Moisturize the skin

Facial skin can also be moistened with vitamin C, so vitamin C not only works to remove and fight free radicals, but the regular use of vitamin C will bring good impact for the wearer, the user's skin will become more moist and more subtle .

6. Neutralize the skin

Facial skin that is deficient in vitamin C will certainly dry and scaly, it will reduce the charm of your beauty, then you really need to consume vitamin C is good from the outside and from within to the skin to be normal, so the skin is not too dry and the skin is not too oily . Because dry or oily skin can both cause acne on your beautiful face.

7. Cleanse the skin from dirt

As well as fighting free radicals, vitamin C in the facial skin will help you remove your facial skin from the dirt on your face when you are traveling or outdoors, whereas dirty facial skin can cause acne. So usually dirty facial skin due to dust and pollution easier to break out.

8. Reduce damaged skin

Unlabelled skin will be damaged, not only vitamin C but also other vitamins, if the skin is not sufficient vitamin skin will become damaged as easily acne, dull, too many blackheads and others.  

9. Eliminate acne

When the face is clean and facial skin is not damaged will make facial skin to avoid acne, the skin used to clean the face will be easier to reject the bacteria than dirty skin, for that besides taking vitamin C you also need to make a face wash when Your face starts to feel dirty.

10. Kill the bacteria that cause acne

Vitamin C can also kill various bacteria that cause acne, because vitamin C has anti radical function.

11. Stimulates the function of collagen

With the function of collagen means that there will be acne treatment is not easy to grow and develop, because the function of collagen is to prevent acne that does not arise in your face.

12. Accelerate the regenerate of skin cells

Accelerate the return of skin cells is necessary, because skin cells that are able to regenerate quickly able to help the skin to regenerate so that the skin will continue to healthy.

that is the benefit you can get when you use vitamin C as a remedy to get rid of acne, in addition to a good regeneration process using vitamin C is also a process of facial skin care with acne better vitamin C, because vitamin C works against all incoming bacteria in face that causes acne, so the skin will look more beautiful. Of course this is not only with occasional use, but must make regular use so that the results obtained are also maximal and satisfactory.

See the video Benefits of Vitamin C for Acne

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