Side Effects of Eliminating Acne with Tomatoes and Solutions

 Side Effects of Eliminating Acne with Tomatoes and Solutions

Tomatoes are a kind of fruit that we often encounter every day. In addition to being very good for the health of the body, tomatoes also have a myriad of benefits for skin beauty, including eliminating acne. Before discussing further side effects of getting rid of acne with tomatoes, let us first identify the benefits of tomatoes for beauty.

Tomato fruit is rich in anti oxidants that make skin free from toxins and free radicals. Anti-oxidants are also against acne-causing bacteria, until the acne is reluctant to return again. The high content of vitamin C in tomatoes will brighten and flatten your skin tone. Tomato fruit also contains many lycopene that will protect the skin from the adverse effects of UV rays and prevent premature aging. For oily skin and acne, tomatoes can be a natural astringent that can shrink pores and reduce excess oil production.

 Side Effects of Eliminating Acne with Tomatoes and Solutions

Although tomatoes are a natural ingredient that is generally safe for the skin, it does not mean there are no side effects of getting rid of acne with tomatoes. You should know what the side effects of not using excessive tomatoes are. Natural ingredients are also not free from side effects, you know.

1. The skin becomes sensitive to sunlight

Tomatoes are high in citrus fruits because of vitamin C in them. Vitamin C makes your skin sensitive to UVA rays. Do not use or consume excessive tomatoes during the day. Lycopene substances in tomatoes are not friendly with facial skin and will be bad if directly exposed by UVA rays.

2. Make skin redness

As a result of skin that is sensitive to sunlight is certainly a skin that will easily flush. Wearing tomatoes excessively will cause side effects of getting rid of acne with tomatoes. Your face will easily blush so in contact with the sun. We recommend that you use tomatoes at night before bed to reduce redness on the skin.

3. Allergic reactions

As mentioned above, excessive use of tomatoes will make the skin sensitive. This will be followed by the appearance of allergic skin reactions. The influence of lycopene substances in contact with UVA rays will cause rashes, itching, and irritation of the skin.

4. Making the condition of the mouth unstable

Eliminating acne with tomatoes can not only be done with a mask of tomatoes only. You can eat tomatoes directly for healing from the inside. But the consumption of tomatoes can make your mouth condition becomes unstable. The mouth may become very dry as one of the allergic reactions, or otherwise saliva production in the mouth will be excessive, making you uncomfortable.

5. Eye and lip health

If using tomatoes as a mask, avoid eye and lip areas. Both of these mucous membranes are very sensitive to tomatoes. Tomato fruit can affect your eyesight and make your lips become swollen because of allergies.

6. The skin becomes scaly and peeling

Vitamin C contained in the tomato is needed by the body because it can brighten the skin naturally. But the excess supply of vitamin C will actually make the skin becomes very dry even scaly and peeling. Use Vitamin E to keep skin moist and avoid using excessive tomatoes.

How to Reduce the Risks of Side Effects Eliminate Acne with Tomatoes

Side effects of getting rid of acne with tomatoes are quite disturbing health and your appearance. Although tomatoes are a natural ingredient with no chemical ingredients in them, there are still side effects that arise if you do not use them as a measure. But do not worry, here are tips for you in reducing the risk of side effects of getting rid of acne with tomatoes.

1. Do not be allowed to stick too long in the face

Many people misunderstand this. Leaving the mask too long sticking to the face will not increase its efficacy in your skin. That is exactly your skin is flushed because of inflammation. Use a mask with a specified time standard, which is 10 to 20 minutes only. In that time span, the absorption of vitamins by the skin will last a maximum.

2. Clean the face thoroughly

When finished using a tomato mask, do not forget to rinse the face until it is completely clean. Use cold water (not ice water) to make skin feel fresh. Make sure there is no remaining tomatoes sticking a bit on your face. The remaining tomatoes left behind will turn into dirt, and can become acne if it is united with dust and dirt.

3. Avoid direct contact with the sun

Too long under exposure to sunlight will change the lycopene substances in tomatoes to be harmful to the skin. On the skin will appear a variety of allergic reactions such as redness, irritation, and itching. Avoid direct contact with the sun and should use a mask at night only.

4. Do not use cream directly

To maintain the beauty of facial skin, women usually use night cream before bed. Treatment with tomatoes is also better if done at night. To avoid more severe side effects, do not use the cream immediately after using a tomato mask. Especially if your cream is a doctor cream containing chemicals. Spend 1-2 hours to use both of these treatments.

 Side Effects of Eliminating Acne with Tomatoes and Solutions

The Benefits of Tomatoes for Acne Face

In addition to the various side effects above, cannot be denied tomatoes are very useful for acne prone skin. Here are the benefits you can get from tomatoes:
  • Eliminate the black stain of acne scars
  • Flatten skin tone
  • Kill the acne-causing bacteria
  • Shrink the pores of acne scars skin
  • Moisturizes acne prone skin
  • Reduce excess facial oil causes acne
  • Accelerate the healing process of acne
  • Brighten the skin naturally
  • Protects skin from the dangers of sunlight
  • Preventing acne reappears

That's the side effect of getting rid of acne with tomatoes. After reading these tips, always remember not to use tomatoes excessively yes. Although tomatoes are a natural ingredient, excessive use is still not good. Use just enough so that your skin can absorb the tomato fruit properties to the fullest.

How to Make Tomato Mask

Combination of Tomato, Oatmeal and Lemon

Three ingredients consisting of tomatoes, oatmeal, and tomatoes when combined are very useful in brightening the facial skin and adding nutrients to the quit. To make a tomato mask combined with lemon and oatmeal is easy, here's how:
  • The first step of a tomato blender is like making juice. Then put in a bowl or container and mix it with lemon juice and oatmeal.
  • The third step clean the face then apply a mixture of tomato juice, lemon juice, and oatmeal flat on the face and neck.
  • Let stand for 10 minutes until the mask dries.
  • The final step of rinse the mask using warm water and dry it with a clean towel.

Home-made Face Mask Tomato Lime and Sugar

Perhaps a mixture of tomato masks with sugar and lime is still less widely heard, but the benefits of a mixture of three ingredients are very good on the face that is able to shrink the pores. Not too difficult to make a face mask of these three ingredients, here's how:
  • Blend the tomatoes and mix with lime juice and add sugar. In sugar delivery does not require dosage, as much as possible not too much.
  • Once mixed, apply a herb on the face with a groove like massage and circular.
  • Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water, if it is clean wipe again using cold water with the aim of closing the pores.

Home-made Face Mask Tomato and Maizena 

The combination of tomatoes and Maizena can reduce the oil content on the face and can soften the face naturally. To create a mask of tomato and cornstarch, there are several steps that must be done namely:
  • Blend the tomatoes with blender then add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch.
  • Stir well mix tomatoes and Maizena until the shape turns into a paste.
  • Apply on face evenly and let stand for 15 minutes until dry.
  • After dry rinse use warm water then let stand for 2 minutes and rinse again use cold water.

Home-made Face Mask Tomato and Milk

The powerfull material for getting rid of acne is a mask of a mixture of tomatoes and liquid milk. It is important to use tomato and milk masks to maintain maximum skin health. How to create a mixture you can do with the following steps:
  • Blend the tomatoes until smooth and then strain until the tomato dregs are not in the blender water.
  • Add cold liquid milk and stir together with juice of tomato juice.
  • After stirring in the refrigerator for 15 minutes or until the mixture turns cold
  • Apply a mixture of milk and tomatoes using a brush or cotton evenly on the face and neck. Avoid the eyes and let stand for 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

Home-made Face Mask Tomato and Potato 

Tomato and potato mask is useful to smooth the skin and remove acne. To create a mask of tomatoes and potatoes you should take the following steps:
  •  Blend the tomatoes in a blender way, then boil the potatoes and puree the tomato and potato mixture until it is completely smooth.
  • Apply evenly on face and let stand for 15 minutes then rinse using warm water.
  • If it has been rinsed, continue rinse with cold water with the aim of closing the pores.

Home-made Face Mask Tomato and Yoghurt

A mixture of tomatoes and yoghurt is very useful to reduce excess oil, you can add oatmeal into tomato and yogurt mixture. To make the mixture can be done by:
  • Blend the tomatoes and add 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Make sure the mixture of the two materials is smooth.
  • Apply to the face evenly and let stand for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse face using warm water and rinse again using cold water.
  • Dry the towel by patting.

That's how the benefits of tomatoes for acne, coupled with a mixture of various ingredients in making tomato masks certainly provide a good effect for skin health. Apply tomato mask along with the ingredients of the mixture regularly to remove acne on facial skin.

10 Benefits of Tomato Mask For Acne Pimples - Skin and Beauty

1. Bright facial skin

If we want to have a radiant, bright, anti-dull facial skin, no need to buy a variety of beauty products that have not been proven efficacy. Better to use natural materials are cheap and safe, without side effects when applied. Tomatoes contain lots of vitamin C that is useful to brighten the skin and make it more radiant. The trick is very easy. Just by slicing the tomato into thick spheres, then rub the tomato slices on the face. Do it regularly in order to obtain satisfactory results.

2. Make the skin pores so small

The skin pores / faces that keep carrying the dirt make it bigger. When the pores get bigger, what happens is facial skin that looks clean and fresh luminous? The use of tomato masks can be useful to make the pores of the face so small, so the impact on the skin cleans, beautiful, and healthy. How to manufacture is to smooth the tomato first then mix the tomatoes with lemon juice as much as one teaspoon. Then apply softly to the face and gentle massages, let stand for about fifteen minutes. Finally, clean the tomato mask on the face by using warm water which is then ended by washing the cold water to cover the pores open because of the warm water, so the dirt does not stick back in the face.

 Side Effects of Eliminating Acne with Tomatoes and Solutions

3. Expel acne on the face

Ingredients in tomatoes that have properties to repel acne, make skin bright, and black stains are lost acne is acid, vitamin C and vitamin A. The trick is to wear a tomato mask on a regular basis (1-2 weeks) in the face for more or less thirty minutes. The same cleansing as mentioned above is wearing warm water that ends with cold water rinse.

4. The skin is so smooth

Having a soft and soft skin is everyone's dream. The face looks healthier, brighter, and beautiful. No need to spend deep to get smooth facial skin. Simply wear a tomato mask mixed with honey to taste until the texture of a mask similar to pasta. After the mask so, can be applied directly to the face while giving a gentle massage, then mask is put away. Avoid going out after doing this treatment so that the dust and dirt do not come back to our clean faces.

5. Prevent the cell to be damaged

To prevent damaged skin cells and ward off free radicals that cause wrinkles and skin that look older than it should (aging premature) in addition to using a tomato mask, add with the consumption of tomato juice after lunch.

6. Make skin white

Tomato cream can help make skin look whiter. How to make it is to mix one teaspoon of yogurt, oatmeal, and 2 teaspoons of fine tomatoes, then apply to the skin and leave for about twenty minutes, then do the cleaning.

7. Protect skin from burning

Skin burning from sunburn can be overcome by consuming tomato paste every day for five tablespoons. Skin that was already burned can be overcome by the consumption of this tomato paste. For more benefits, elastic, soft, and fresh skin, wear a tomato mask (two teaspoons of fine tomatoes) and one teaspoon of yogurt, smear it onto the skin after the activity.

8. Overcoming oily skin

Face that looks shiny because of excess oil production, making skin look unhealthy and bright. Oily skin that is not immediately cleaned will have an impact on the appearance of blackheads and acne. To fix this, wear a mask of tomatoes mixed with cucumber juice. Blend 2 tomatoes until smooth add 4 tablespoons fine cucumber / juice, then apply on face (smeared to face can use cotton). Allow to dry, finally clean the mask. Regular in doing this treatment, can make the oil in the face under control and also shrink the pores of the skin.

can we apply tomato on face daily,

9. Caring for the skin

Tomato seed oil is useful for skin care. This oil can fend off free radicals triggering premature aging. Wear tomato seed oil to massage the desired part of the skin (for example, massage the face with tomato seed oil). Do this before we sleep, and clean it up after we wake up in the morning.

10. Protective skin from ultraviolet rays

Tomatoes can be used as natural sunscreen. Lycopene is an antioxidant in tomatoes is the bastion of skin from ultraviolet rays. Drinking tomato juice before going to work regularly is useful to create healthy skin. Skin problems experienced due to frequent exposure to sunlight include scaly, dull, and dry skin.

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