How to get rid Acne with Tomatoes

How to get rid Acne with Tomatoes - Tomato is a kind of vegetables that have many functions, especially in the field of skin health and beauty. The fruit is red when ripe is believed to remove acne scars on the face. Women who want their facial skin that is smooth, but now full of acne scars that can disturb his appearance plus can eliminate self-confidence in you. But you do not have to worry because acne scars are not permanent on the skin. It's just to cure it and remove it from the skin takes a long time. Provided you are diligent then the acne scars can be lost from the face. Approximately what the content in the tomato so good for skin beauty

Vitamin A contained in tomatoes has a high level to speed up skin regeneration so quickly that dead skin cells can be lifted perfectly.
Complex vitamins needed by the skin to shrink the size of the pores - the pores of the face. Small facial pores can help the skin avoid dirt that can clog face pores.
Folic acid in tomatoes is also good for maintaining healthy skin and helps skin brighten naturally.

While acne itself is the skin that inflammation due to the production of excessive oil glands and exposed to dust that causes skin condition from the face worse. Until now the cause of acne can be caused by several factors include the following:

  • Hormonal factors are factors caused by hormonal changes in the body that can disrupt the performance of some hormones that cause acne
  • Food factors often consume foods that can cause acne also heightens the risk of acne. Examples of foods that should be avoided are nuts, fries and sugar.
  • Those are some factors that can cause acne on facial skin. If you want to clean acne can use natural ingredients one of them is a tomato fruit.

Here are the steps to clean acne with tomatoes:

  • First clean the face by using a suitable facial cleanser for your skin. Afterwards steam your face by using fume from hot water. To do this be expected to be careful not to concern your facial skin
  • Take fresh tomatoes then washed and peeled from the tomatoes. After that new blended tomato fruit until smooth resembling pasta.
  • Pasta from fresh tomatoes is flattened throughout the face evenly. After that wait until 30 minutes and then rinsed using clean water.
  • Finally you can apply face with ice cubes that aims to shrink back the pores - the pores of the face.
Using tomato mask can help you to clean the face of acne. With the regular use of this tomato mask can kill acne quickly and safely from side effects.

Benefits of Tomato for Skin Beauty

In addition to functioning to clean acne tomatoes also serves to provide the benefits of beauty for skin such as:

1. Oily skin

How to get rid Acne with Tomatoes

Tomatoes can help for those of you who have the type of oily skin on the face to reduce oil production on the face. Basically the presence of oil is useful to keep the moisture on the skin. However excessive oil production will certainly cause problems such as acne and blackheads. For that it's good you try to apply tomatoes that have been blended on face and leave for 30 minutes.

2. Decrease the pore size of the face

How to get rid Acne with Tomatoes

Having a large pore face would disturb your appearance to have a smooth skin. Enlarged pore size on the face may be due to skin deficiency of vitamin a and heredity. Pores on the face can be reduced by using natural ingredients such as tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A which helps shrink the pore size of the face so that the dust does not clog the pores. The trick is easy enough to stick the meat of tomato fruit that has been mashed. Let stand until 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. With regular use can shrink the size of the pores.

3. Brighten skin

How to get rid Acne with Tomatoes

Bright facial skin is every woman's dream, besides bright facial skin can also become dull due to the accumulation of dead skin cells where cell turnover cannot be done perfectly. Dull facial skin is also not good to look at. Therefore, if you want a bright facial skin then you can do the treatment to brighten the skin naturally using natural ingredients. One of these natural ingredients is the tomato fruit. Tomatoes contain good vitamin C to brighten skin tone and overcome the likelihood of melanin on facial skin. It's good you try these natural ingredients because in addition to safe the price is also affordable.

4. Prevent premature aging

How to get rid Acne with Tomatoes

Another great benefit of tomatoes is preventing premature aging. Premature aging is a skin problem where the skin is deficient in elasticity so that it creates wrinkles on the skin prematurely. It's good for the prevention of premature aging by using a mask of tomatoes. The way is easy enough that is:
  • Provide ripe tomatoes and peel the skin clean.
  • Blend the tomatoes before you can use a blender to be more practical.
  • Apply on face evenly and leave up to 30 minutes.
  • Afterwards rinse face with clean water to clean it from tomato mask earlier.
  • Tomatoes contain good lycopene compounds to maintain the elasticity of facial skin. Therefore if you want to get the maximum results can apply a tomato mask on the face and also consume tomatoes as a healthy fruit substitute your snack.

5. Smooth the skin

How to get rid Acne with Tomatoes

Smooth skin would be nice to touch. Never touch baby's skin. Yeah that's what skin feels like. But along with the age of the skin smooth age can turn into rough because a thousand skin problems that appear. Examples of skin problems are acne and blackheads. As a result the skin becomes rough and not smooth anymore. But to get a smooth skin back is not a difficult thing. As long as it's done regularly and does not give up easily then you'll get it back. Try selecting using natural fruit to smooth the skin. Tomato fruit is believed to be useful to smooth your facial skin. How to make it easy enough to provide tomatoes and then mashed resembling pasta then dub on face evenly.

6. Protect the skin from the sun

How to get rid Acne with Tomatoes

Next is to protect the skin from sunlight which can cause skin cancer. Daylight contains ultraviolet which if the skin continuously for a long time can cause cancer in skin. Tomatoes are able to make skin protected from sunlight because it thickens melanin on the skin when a mask of tomatoes is applied to the face. However, you should still use a mask, hat or umbrella when walking in the heat of the sun.

Well, that's some of the benefits of tomatoes are used as a mask to care for skin beauty as a whole. So having beautiful skin is no longer just a dream.

One easy and safe way that can be done of course by using a tomato mask to remove acne, tomato is one of the natural ingredients that are rich in nutrients for the skin. High content of vitamin C in tomatoes can meet the needs of skin vitamins.

Here's how to get rid of acne with a tomato mask

1. Mask of tomato fruit

The first and the simplest way is to get rid of acne with just a tomato mask, without any additional natural ingredients. Be sure to choose a tomato fruit with a perfect level of maturity, not too raw but also not too ripe.

How to get rid of acne with a tomato mask:
  • Blend the tomatoes with grated or blender.
  • Apply evenly across the surface of the facial skin, so that the face gets all the nutrients perfectly.
  • Paste the dry tissue or cotton on the mask so as not to drip into the neck.
  • Let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse face with cold water until clean.
  • This method is safe to do every day.
  • If you do not like smoothed tomatoes, then thinly sliced ​​it and pasted it all over the face.

2. Masks of tomatoes and honey

Another natural ingredient useful for acne prone skin is honey, benefits of honey for acne as good as tomatoes. The content of natural compounds such as catalase in pure honey can work as an anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial which will eliminate acne very effectively.

How to get rid of acne with a mask of tomatoes and honey:
  • Prepare 1 ripe tomato with a small size and 1 tbsp of natural honey.
  • Blend the tomatoes with a blender or with a regular spoon if you do not like the texture that is too soft.
  • Combine honey into a tomato mask, then mix and stir until evenly distributed.
  • Apply gently on the entire surface of the face.
  • Allow the mask for 20 minutes, and then wash with warm water followed by clean water.
  • Perform this way every day if the face acne, then enough 3 times a week just for skin care after acne lost.

3. Tomato Mask and Egg White 

Benefits of egg whites for acne face,  among others, is to maintain skin moisture, remove dead skin cells effectively and quickly, reduce wrinkles aging signs, keep skin healthy and fresh, remove toxins and impurities from the skin, and maintain skin elasticity. Egg whites have many natural ingredients such as potassium, protein, magnesium, riboflavin, and enzymes that are useful for facial enzymes.

How to get rid of acne with a mask of tomatoes and egg whites:
  • Prepare 1 medium ripe tomato 1 chicken eggs.
  • Blend the tomatoes; separate the egg whites from the yolk.
  • Combine the two ingredients, and then shake until well mixed and the egg white become stiff.
  • Apply to the whole face evenly, and then attach dry tissue or cotton so that the mask does not drip to the neck.
  • Let stand for 30 minutes or until the face feels tight.
  • Rinse slowly with warm water then continue with cold water to close the pores.

This method is safe and we can apply tomato on face daily

4. Mask of tomato and lemon juice

The benefits of lemon for acne are already very famous. Lemon is very powerful to get rid ofacne because its vitamin C content is highest among all types of fruit. Anti bacterial on lemon fruit is very high, that's why this fruit is very powerfulto get rid of acne. Taking care of your skin with lemons regularly will keep your skin firmly tone and elasticity and making you look younger.

How to get rid of acne with tomato mask and lemon juice:
  • Prepare 1 medium-sized tomatoes and 1/2 lemon.
  • Blend the tomatoes and squeeze the lemon until the juice comes out.
  • Stir and mix both ingredients until blended.
  • As glue for the mask is not too dilute, you can add egg whites or honey, and then mix well.
  • Apply mask evenly to the entire face, then let stand for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse face with cold water until clean afterward.

5. Tomato and Cucumber Mask

Cucumber is one of the anti acne vegetables that must be consumed by women who have problems with acne. But if you do not like to eat cucumber do not worry. Make cucumbers as masks together with tomatoes. Benefits of cucumber for acne include acne cure naturally and remove the marks of black, rejuvenate the skin, care for sunburned skin, and shrink the enlarged skin pores due to acne.

How to get rid of acne with a mask of tomatoes and cucumbers:
  • Prepare 1 small ripe tomato and 3 cm fresh cucumber slices.
  • Blend the two ingredients together using a blender.
  • The mask mixture may be too dilute and liquid, so it should add honey to thicken or egg white as a glue.
  • Apply mask to face evenly, then let stand for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse face clean with cold water.

That's the various ways you can do to get rid of acne naturally with a tomato mask. Before the acne comes, you should do various precautions such as away from the habit of the most dangerous acne such as staying up late, rarely clean the face, and like to eat oily food. Preventing acne comes better than treating it.

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