Applying honey on face everyday

Applying honey on face everyday done by most people to get a healthy and clean skin, keeping your face healthy and clean is certainly not an easy thing to do. Routine care is needed every day to get clean and healthy facial skin.

One facial treatment which is often done by women is to use face masks product than Applying honey on face everyday. In addition to a clean and healthy, the face can also become smoother and makes women can become more confident.

Some types of face mask product are widely used by people is a mask made of natural materials like jicama or avocado. Although made from natural ingredients, face masks product every day was not good.

Beauty experts even mention face mask everyday can make facial skin becomes dry. A study conducted on women who masks for at least 6 years it turns out significantly can make skin face loss of skin moisture so that it becomes dry. How does this happen?

Face mask product used to make face skin free from the problem of excessive facial oil or acne problems. Honey mask absorbs both problems on the face and also absorbs moisture on the skin of the face, so if used every day, then any skin to lose moisture so the facial skin to become dry. In fact, many women use face mask everyday even in a very long time.

In addition to his ability to make the moisture of the skin, facial masks usually product have an alcohol content also influential on the health of the skin if used too long or not in accordance with the rules of safety. Beauty experts said if masks should be used at least once in a week with a maximum duration of 20 minutes for maximum treatment without the risk of getting a dry facial skin.

applying honey on face everyday

Can we Applying honey on face everyday ?

It's different if we make your own mask from honey than Face mask product, even applying honey on face everyday is allowed

The use of honey mask is actually quite safe, especially for teens. But still need to be observed if it suitable with your skin type, applying honey on face everyday is not harmful as long as it doesn't cause allergies for your skin.

Applyinghoney on face side effects for skin that has an allergy to honey usually itchy on the face, these symptoms are called Dermatitis.

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin, characterized by redness, itchy rash that appears due to contact with certain substances. A rash that appears due to the inflammation is not contagious or dangerous, but can cause discomfort for sufferers.

If symptoms of dermatitis appear Please avoid scratching the skin and Stop temporarily using the mask until the itch disappears.

But for people who don't have any allergies on honey, applying honey on face everyday is good or you can use honey on face overnight because all the content of honey is very good for the skin.

Not only delicious mixed into the cuisine or drinks. Content in honey can also make your face is getting sweet. It's easy as hell. Only with make into a mask of honey.

Honey contains antimicrobial, antioxidant, and can give a soothing effect for your skin. The content of antioxidants in honey is needed for the skin to fight the free radicals that can damage upon you. Free radicals can cause dull, premature aging of the skin marked by wrinkled and even skin cancer.

scientific research proves the substance honey is a humectant, which means nature honey has the ability to draw water from the middle layer of skin (the dermis) into the outer layer of skin (the epidermis) so as to balance the moisture content throughout the skin tissue. Honey also known are hygroscopic, i.e. substances that have the ability to absorb water molecules very well, so if it is traced in terms of cosmetics, honey is highly believed to be the main natural ingredients for moisturizing the face.

In addition are hygroscopic and Humectant, honey also contains other substances include:
  1. Polyphenols Substances (chemical compound found naturally in plants and is high in anti oxidants),this is very good for nourishing your skin tissue and regenerate dead skin cells.
  2. Flavonoidses that Act neutralize free radicals, so that will minimize the effects of damage to healthy tissue cells, flavonoids also known as anti inflammatory substances that work to overcome the allergies cause irritation or dry skin.
  3. Honey contains vitamins, such as vitamin B1, B2, and B6, vitamin C, vitamin E is also a very good used as a natural moisturizer and serum for the face skin.

In his book with titled “Natural Beauty at Home”, Janice Cox said that honey is also effective as an antimicrobial substance, where the honey will serve as a natural anti bacterial that may prevent the growth of bad bacteria on the skin. This was the excess honey, very suitable as a natural skin care ingredients, one of them by using honey to moisturize the face dry. Therefore, try use a really original honey with purchase from trusted seller or distributor of honey.

Honey Mask for Dry Face

applying honey on face everyday for dry face

After knowing the content in honey, now we can try to make natural honey face mask for dry skin care.The materials used are not too much, just two tablespoons of honey and one ripe banana fruit.

Banana is known as fruit that contain probiotic is very high. Probiotic substances known very well in preventing inflammation of the digestive system, but now began to be used as a probiotic substances complement to skin care that has a Amazing effect.

In addition to inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, probiotics also serves to reduce dryness of the skin and as an anti-aging agent early. So no wonder if honey and bananas serve as a mainstay in dealing with dry skin naturally.

Here's how to make a honey mask and its use:

  • Prepare a clean glass bowl, mix two tablespoons of honey with plantain fruit native who's been crushed. Stir until both these ingredients well blended.
  • Cleanse face with lukewarm water so the pores open face and help optimize the absorption of this mask into the skin of the face. Then pat dry with a clean towel and gentle on the skin
  • Apply the mask evenly and slowly over the entire face (excluding eye and lip).
  • Let stand for approximately 20-30 minutes. Strive not much doing on face, relax, and adjust the breath with regular.
  • After it dries, rinse the face with warm water and allow the water in the face to dry by it self.
  • Then flush the face again using cool water so that facial pores are closed again.
  • Pat dry using a clean towel and gently. Strive to wipe with slowly from one side to the other.

Do these honey on face overnight 3 x a week on a regular basis or also you can applying honey on face everyday
In addition to making honey mask for dry face, we also must not forget to meet the water intake in the body by drinking warm water. Lack of fluids in the body will cause dehydration or the drought that also have an impact on the skin would look scaly.

Fill with fiber intake also consume fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins so that the skin is keep moisture and stimulates regeneration of skin cells die, so the skin will stay healthy and the face will look fresh.

Natural honey face mask prevents premature aging that are safe to use

Honey prevents premature aging that occurs in women with naturally and safely. Aging is actually a reasonable thing and definitely will be experienced by anyone. However, aging can be slowed by taking care of face skin. The aging signs often appear at the age of 30 years and above and will be a problem when a person ages still appear when belongs to the young, this is what we often call with premature aging.

applying honey on face everyday for prevent premature aging

Many women want to have skin that looks youthful. So sometimes some of them have to spend a lot of money for beauty treatments, in order to avoid premature aging. Premature aging is often marked by the presence of wrinkles in the area around the eyes. The fine lines that make the skin become look old because it has lost its elasticity.

To slow down premature aging can also with many kinds of ways. Especially now that a lot of doctor-specialist skin and beauty clinic sells anti aging cream and opened treatment specifically deal with this issue. This certainly will cost that not a few. But you don't have to worry about, many natural ingredients that you can take advantage of for skin care are very cheap and proven efficacious help slow the aging process of the skin.

One of them is to make a honey mask mixed with the appropriate materials. This is because honey masks can prevent premature aging safely without causing irritation even you can applying honey on face everyday or Do these honey on face overnight

Benefits of Honey to prevent premature aging

Before discussing about the benefits of honey in preventing premature aging, it will be good, we know in advance factors causes premature aging, such as:

Air Pollution

Dirty air is particularly vulnerable going on around us, the motorists who smoke influence more and more air pollution triggers that can damage the skin. The skin becomes dirty due to dirt and dust. When left in a prolonged period of time and not cleaned, this will cause the skin to lose balance levels of oil, breakouts, and will certainly make the skin no longer healthy.


The sunlight in the morning is very good for healthand beauty, but stung the excessive heat of the Sun when the blazing makes the skin so damaged. Heatexposure to direct sunlight can cause skin to become dry and triggers the onset of wrinkles on the face.

Free Radicals

One of the effects of air pollution i.e. generate free radicals. If these free radicals attached to the skin will very disturbing skin collagen tissue growth.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Bad nutrition will certainly affect the health of the skin. Much needed nutrients to regenerate skin cells die naturally and fight free radicals.

lack of sleep

We can see, the less sleep will usually appear black in color on the eye area, or that we often call with tired eyes. This also cause the skin to appear old and slow the skin regeneration

Alcohol and caffeine

Both types of fluid is apparently not good for skin health. Caffeine will likely make a Quick dehydration and skin wrinkles. While alcohol will certainly damage the nutrients it needs.


In addition to the detriment of health, smoking can also aggravate skin beauty. The nicotine in cigarettes can cause the skin to a shortage of the liquid and the skin will eventually lose its elasticity.

Original honey can be obtained in many places that sell honey with the best quality. The efficacy of honey in preventing premature aging include:
  1. Honey contains high antioxidants that are very good to regenerate dead skin cells and protect the skin from free radicals.
  2. Honey helps the formation of natural collagen substances that nourish the skin.
  3. Honey can bind water from the inner layers of the skin and bring it to the outer layer, so that honey is efficacious to cause the skin naturally.
In addition to the above three benefits, the content of multivitamins and minerals in honey can nourish the skin properly, helping to tighten and prevent infection of the skin. Those are some reasons why honey can slow down premature aging.

How to Honey mask combine with other ingredients  for Premature Aging

You do not need to be confused about the ingredients used to prevent premature aging. Below will explain what natural ingredients you can use to create a mask. You can do this treatment at home and applying honey on face everyday without do not to worry about the Applying honey on face side effects

Natural ingredients will not harm the health of the skin and certainly quite powerful properties when routinely used. Let's see what materials are needed.

Honey and Milk Mask

Honey and milk are a great mixture of ingredients to nourish the skin. Honey containing humectant compounds is responsible for maintaining moisture and skin elasticity. While milk has a high content of lactic acid which plays a role in cleaning the dirt that attaches to the pores of the skin.

How to make:
  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey
  2. native into half a glass of fresh milk / liquid organic milk,
  3. stir these two ingredients until well blended.
  4. At the time of wearing this mask on the face, apply it by giving a gentle massage. Allow this mask to dry by it self or about 30 minutes. Then rinse face clean with warm water.
Do these honey on face overnight 3 x a week on a regular basis or also you can applying honey on face everyday

Mask honey and banana

Mask honey and banana also can be an alternative choice in preventing premature aging. Banana is known to be very rich in its probiotic content is able to regenerate dead skin cells and overcome dull skin.
Both of these ingredients are a great combination in dealing with dry skin that causes premature aging.

Watch video How to make Mask honey and banana

How to make it:
  1. Blend the banana into a clean glass bowl and mix with 1 tablespoon of native honey.
  2. Combine these two ingredients
  3. apply them to the face and leave for 30 minutes.
Do these honey on face overnight 3 x a week on a regular basis or also you can applying honey on face everyday will bring changes to your facial skin is increasingly visible glowing.

Honey and White Eggs

Natural mask of honey with egg white mixture is useful to help restore your skin toned. As we know the elasticity of the face is strongly influenced by factors of age, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance and stress levels. Using a mixture of these two ingredients in your face mask will help regulate skin moisture and restore elasticity.

Watch video How to make Mask honey and White Eggs

How to make it:
  1. Mix 1 tablespoon honey with egg whites into a clean cup
  2. By evenly mask while gently massaging especially in under eye area
  3. Let the mask dry and rinse your face with warm water afterwards.
Do these honey on face overnight 3 x a week on a regular basis or also you can applying honey on face everyday will bring changes to your facial skin is increasingly visible glowing.

Treatment using natural masks certainly requires consistency so that the results we can feel the long term. In addition to making a natural honey mask, you should also apply a healthier lifestyle to avoid premature aging and other skin face problem like acne.

Here are the things we need to pay attention to avoid premature aging:
  • To maintain the cleanliness of the skin
  • Pay attention to the intake of nutrients
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Regular exercise
  • Enough rest
  • Avoid coffee, alcohol and cigarettes
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight
Hopefully the article about applying honey on face everyday useful for you, and hopefully you know the efficacy of honey, mask honey on face overnight very good for skin. Finally thanks and also you can read other article “how to get rid of cheekacne

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