Meaning of pimple location

Pimple can be categorized as a mild skin disease. The appearance of pimple is caused by blockage of pores by sebum and bacteria and dust attached to the skin. Sebum actually serves to keep skin moist. But on the type of oily skin, sebum production has excess to clog the skin pores. Before developing into pimple, the accumulation of dirt and sebum appears as blackheads. Because it continues to be left without getting proper care, blackheads develop into a whitehead which then becomes pimple.

Pimple appears due to a bacterial infection called P. Pimples that lives on clogged skin oil glands. This blockage then undergoes inflammation to the appearance of pustules (pus) on the lumps that appear.

Pimple most often appears on the face, because this part is most exposed to sunlight and pollution and free radicals. Health experts reveal the appearance of pimple on the face not just because of bacteria and dirt only.

The Appearance of Pimple in certain areas to be a sign of health problems in other organs. Which parts of the body are disturbed based on the appearance of pimple? 

Meaning of pimple location mapping

Let's see the meaning of pimple location in the following body health:

Pimple location in the right and left forehead

Meaning of pimple location appears on your forehead on the left or right, it means your digestive system is having problems. Therefore, how to overcome pimple on the forehead is to reduce the consumption of processed foods or junk food that contains a lot of fat.

Meaning of pimple location appears on your forehead

In addition, balance with the consumption of mineral water and healthy food. For consideration, take your time to deal with Pimple at the forehead by consuming lots of wheat, bananas, ginger, yogurt, and asparagus. These five foods are very good for digestion so it is very effective to overcome the pimple on the forehead. Instead avoid spicy foods, caffeine, soda, alcohol, and milk.

Pimple location in between the eyebrows

Meaning of pimple location that appears in the area between the two eyebrows

Meaning of pimple location that appears in the area between the two eyebrows is the condition of your liver is currently experiencing problems. Therefore another way to deal with pimple between the two eyebrows is to stay away from foods containing alcohol, fat and milk.

Sometimes allergic factors also cause pimple in between these eyebrows appear, how to get rid of pimple on the forehead or between the two eyebrows is to diligent exercise, enough sleep and not sleeping too late, so the heart can rest and do work at night with maximum performance.

In addition to overcome the pimple between the two eyebrows are diligent to consume green vegetables, tomatoes, applying honey,  walnuts, asparagus, apples, olive oil, grains, lemon, lime, and turmeric. Various types of fruits and vegetables are useful to detoxify the liver so that it can overcome stubborn pimple between the two eyebrows.

Pimple location in the temple to the right or left

Meaning of pimple location in the temple to the right or left

Pimple can also appear in the temple, the area of the facial edge between the eyebrows with hair roots. Meaning of pimple location grows in these two areas, indicating that the body is lacking fluids or dehydration. Expand the consumption of water for pimple soon to recover and disappear. Consumption of fruits that contain lots of water such as melons, cucumbers, and pumpkins can also help restore body fluids. 

Pimple location grows on the area of the nose

Meaning of pimple location in the nose area

Nose is one of the most frequently overgrown areas of pimple. The nose is in the T region, where the most oil is produced by the area. Meaning of pimple location in the nose area is indicating a disruption in your heart. Immediately check your blood pressure.

How to get rid of pimple in the nose caused by poor heart condition;
  • Increase the consumption of vitamin B every day.
  • Stay away from spicy foods, meat
  • Try to get fresh air by jogging in the morning every day,

This will deal with Pimple in the Nose. In addition, you also need to lower the levels of bad fats that exist in your body by multiplying the consumption of good fats like omega-3 and omega-6 that exist in avocados, grains, and fish. Some of the above efforts is one way to overcome pimple in the nose.

Pimple location grows in the ear area

Meaning of pimple location that grows in the ear

Pimple can grow on any face, including in the ear. Meaning of pimple location that grows in the ear indicates kidney is disturbed. Drink plenty of water and stop consuming carbonated drinks, carbonated, caffeinated beverages, and alcohol.

to restore the health of your kidneys diligently consume garlic, berries, red peppers, sprouts, cabbage, apples, olive oil, onions, cherries and fish rich in omega-3. The food is good for the kidneys so that stubborn pimple in the ears will not appear again.

Pimple location appears in the area under the eyes and cheeks

Meaning of pimple location appears in the area under the eyes and cheek

Meaning of pimple location appears in the area under the eyes and cheek indicates that the respiratory tract is impaired. The question that arises then is whether you smoke or have allergies?

Pimple appears in the cheek area experienced by heavy smokers.  In addition to respiratory disorders that cause pimple from within, as well as cigarette smoke attached to the cheeks causing this pimple appears on the cheek.

How to get ridof cheek acne or pimple is to maintain the freshness of the air we breathe, get used to breathe fresh air in the morning to refresh the respiratory tract.

In addition, not allowing the body to overheat by eating foods that are cold like melons, cucumbers, and watermelon is also one way to overcome Pimple on the cheek. In addition, avoid the consumption of foods that can make the body become acidic such as meat, milk, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar. Instead start eating soy, fish sushi, apples, tomatoes, and fruits / vegetables rich in vitamins A, C, E. These foods can keep the respiratory system strong so it is very powerful to overcome the pimple on our cheeks.

Pimple that appears on the cheek can also be caused by a dirty Smartphone display. When you're on the phone then bacteria on the display Smartphone move to your cheeks and cause pimple. Always keep clean Smartphone display.

Pimple location appears in the area of the right or left chin near the end of the lips

Meaning of pimple location appears in the area of the right or left chin near the end of the lips

Meaning of pimple location appears in the area of the right or left chin near the end of the lips is hormones imbalanced.

One of the triggers of pimple is due to hormones imbalanced. Pimple due to hormones is often experienced by women before menstruation or pregnant women. At that time the production of hormones increases to cause an imbalance that triggers the appearance of pimple.

Therefore, Howto get rid of cheek acne or pimple on the chin caused by stress and hormonal changes is with good stress management. Get enough sleep, drink plenty of mineral water, and consume green leafy vegetables to keep skin clean and prevent pimple in the chin. In addition, you can try to balance your hormones by consuming lots of coconut oil, nuts, vegetables, avocados, and fish that contain omega-6 as one way to overcome pimple on the chin.

Pimple location appears in the middle and bottom of the chin

Meaning of pimple location appears on the middle and lower

Meaning of pimple location appears on the middle and lower chin indicate a disturbance in your abdominal organs. Maybe you are experiencing nausea, diarrhea or constipation.  Also be caused by bloated stomach. To overcome this, multiply fiber consumption if you have constipation. But if you diarrhea, immediately take the right medication to stop diarrhea. Also avoid eating foods or drinks with high acid levels such as milk and various dairy products so that the stomach condition is not getting worse.

Pimple location appears in the neck area

Meaning of pimple location of neck area

In addition to the ear, pimple can also appear around the neck you know. Meaning of pimple location of neck area shows the body is infected with bacteria and struggling so as not to catch the disease. Relax your mind with a short vacation, yoga, meditation, or with a nap. Relaxed bodies tend to be more susceptible to disease.

Applying a healthy lifestyle is the best way to avoid the appearance of excessive pimple. Besides reducing the consumption of fatty foods is also important, especially if your skin is oily type skin. Do not forget   always keep the face clean.  Less clean of your face is the nest of growth of pimple-causing bacteria.

Pimple location appears on the back

Meaning of pimple location appears on the back

Meaning of pimple location appears on the back shows the body is be caused by excessive sweating and allergies to certain clothing materials

The back is another area of the body that is exposed to pimple. Back pimple usually appears in the form of small pimples that do not contain. But in some conditions pimple can also be inflamed. The appearance of pimple on the back can be caused by the water you use to bathe. The water you use may be less clean or you do not fit the bath soap.

Pimple appears on the abdominal area

Meaning of pimple location appears on the abdominal

The appearance of pimple in the abdominal area is rare. This body part does not have many sweat glands so it is not prone to overgrown pimple. But that does not mean pimple can’t grow there. If you have pimple in this area, immediately check your blood pressure and sugar levels. Meaning of pimple location appears on the abdominal area may be a sign of your blood sugar rising.

That is the meaning of the appearance of pimple and its relation to other body organs. The appearance of pimple in certain areas does not mean the organ has a serious or severe disease. The appearance of pimple is just the first sign that they need to rest. Apply a healthy lifestyle so that the organ can work normally and the face is also not pimple.

Pimple appears in the Eyes

Meaning of pimple location appears on the eye

Pimple contained in the eye is usually known by the name of stye. Stye does not have clear features so it could be in one night your eyes have experienced stye. The presence of pimple that is in the eyes should not be ignored because of the fear will further aggravate the condition of the pimple. Pimple is caused by several factors, but for pimple on the eyes can also be caused by bacteria that clog the hair follicle causing stye.

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