Difference between acne and blackheads

Difference between acne and blackheads The difference between acne and blackheads must be understood by every woman. Both of those things are a terrible skin problem. Every woman would want to have smooth skin, free of acne and blackheads.

Here are 6 Difference between acne and blackheads

1. Definition of acne and blackheads

Before discussing further about the differences between acne and blackheads, it is necessary to understand what the definition of acne and blackheads themselves. Blackheads are a kind of small bump growing on the skin surface. Blackheads are included in mild acne. Most blackheads appear on the face like nose, forehead, and chin. But blackheads can also grow in other parts of the body such as the neck, shoulders, back, chest, and arms.

Meanwhile, acne is defined as a skin problem that early appearance is characterized by black spots in certain body areas. Acne not only appears on the face, but can also grow in the neck, jawline, back, and chest. Acne is also a lump, but larger than blackheads and usually contains. The content of acne that has not been severe is usually just a clear liquid. However, if it is inflamed can fester and bleed.

2. Causes of acne and blackheads

The second difference is the cause of acne and blackheads. Both of these skin problems have different sources of causes. Blackheads arise because of the amount of dirt that enters the skin pores and gets trapped inside. This dirt can be due to the rest of the makeup is not immediately cleaned or dust-dirt on the face when outdoor activities. Hormonal changes also cause the emergence of blackheads, especially in adolescents who experience puberty.

While the cause of the appearance of acne itself is more complex, acne appears when the hair follicle is blocked by dead skin cells, dirt, sebum, and excess oil on the face. This blockage is then inflamed due to a clogged bacterial infection. Blackheads can also be one of these blockage factors. Keeping the skin clean is very important to inhibit the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

3. Types of acne and blackheads

Difference between acne and blackheads

Blackheads are divided into two types, namely whitehead and blackhead.

Whitehead: These blackheads look like white or yellowish spots. Whitehead comes from the amount of oil and bacteria trapped beneath the surface of the skin and the longer it gets harder.

Blackhead: this kind of blackheads look like enlarged and black facial pores, blackheads are also called open comedones, because the pores of the face in a position open to the surface of the skin and oil glands. These pores are then oxidized by air and the color becomes black. Compared to whiteheads, blackheads are more common to most people.

Acne has many kinds and kinds. Here are the most common types of acne experienced.

Papules: Acne produced from inflamed blackheads irritation. Blackheads enlarge and harden and red. The shape is a small lump protruding from the skin. This acne will leave a scar when healed.

Pustules: Similar to papules, pustules appear because of inflamed pimples. The base is red with a white tip. If it is ripe, the pustules will contain pus and may cause scarring of the skin.

Nodules: Acne nodules are more serious and more severe than the previous two pimples. This acne tissue is formed under the skin. At first this acne is small like a blackhead. If touched hard shape and cause pain. This acne leaves black and red scars.

Cystic: Cystic acne size is slightly larger than acne nodules. Formed in deeper layers of skin and filled with clear liquid or pus. This acne is soft but very painful. Cystic acne is categorized in severe acne.

4. How to get rid of acne and blackheads, treatment, and prevention

Difference between acne and blackheads

How to get rid blackheads, treatment, and prevention
  • Wash your face 2 times a day, especially before bed.
  • Avoid oily foods so as not to increase oil production on the face.
  • Keep hair hygiene.
  • Perform peeling periodically to remove dead skin cells.
  • Use skin care products that do not contain oil and do not clog pores.

How to get rid of acne, treats, and prevents acne:

  • Use ointments and creams that contain benzoyl peroxide that are sold in pharmacies. Do not buy ointments or creams without prescription and doctor's advice.
  • Use mild facial soap without bleach.
  • Do not wash your face too often because it will make the acne area more dry and cause irritation.
  • Wash hair regularly so that the dirt in the hair does not fall into the skin or face back.
  • Do not hit acne because it will make it worse.
  • Clean the makeup before bed
  • Clean your face after outdoor activities.
  • And more how to get rid of acne you can find in this blog

5. Side effects caused

Difference between acne and blackheads

How to get rid of acne and blackheads is not an easy thing. If not done in the right way, blackheads and pimples can become more severe and inflamed. After blackheads and pimples disappear, there will be further side effects left behind.

How to remove blackheads so as not to come back again can indeed be done in many ways. But if not careful and not exactly it will cause side effects that are not good for the skin. One of them is causing more blackheads. One way to remove blackheads with toothpaste is done by many people because it is cheap and easy. In addition, the skin can also lose moisture and become very dry. Although using a natural way to remove blackheads, skin pores will open wide and cause oil production to be excessive.

As for acne, the side effects are certainly more complex than the blackheads. Very severe acne will damage the cell tissue of the skin and leave a rough scar. If you have this problem, consult a doctor who is expert for his treatment. Acne types of nodules and cysts are the most frequently left acne scars. The popular treatment is medically done by dermabrasion or laser. In addition, the natural way to get rid of acne with tomatoes can also be an alternative choice.

6. Acne skin care and blackheads

Difference between acne and blackheads

Blackheads can indeed be the beginning of the appearance of acne, including severe stone acne. Therefore every woman and even a man should be able to care for the skin in a proper way to avoid blackheads. Keeping your face clean is the most important thing. Make sure your face is free from makeup and dirt after you finish your daily activity.

Many ways to treat the face so that no acne can be applied, one of them is to use acne face mask and blackheads that match the skin type.

That's the difference between acne and blackheads that everyone should understand to be able to do the right prevention and treatment. Acne and blackheads are a very annoying skin problem and cause discomfort. But to eliminate it must be done in a proper way so as not to become more severe.

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