15 homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin

Homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin - In order not to relate everything about pimples, the skin of the face must be treated with the maximum and best possible. Facial skin is very susceptible to pimples is the skin with the type of oily. Oily face is more prone to breakouts because excess oil production has the potential to clog the pores of facial skin. If facial oil mixes with dirt, then grow pimples on the face.

How to care for the face to avoid pimples and blackheads need not be difficult and expensive. Healthy and beautiful skin without pimples by utilizing a variety of natural ingredients in the kitchen, Create homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin from natural ingredients use regularly to treat facial skin.

Here is a 15 homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin and how to make it.

1. Lemon or Lime Citrus

homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin

The benefits of lime and lemon benefits for pimples must be familiar. The high content of vitamin C in both fruit makes it a powerful weapon to eliminate pimples and reduce excess oil oil. No wonder, how to get rid of pimples with lemon quickly is very popular among women.

2. Aloe Vera

homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin

Not only treat the beauty of hair, how to get rid of pimples with aloe Vera be an option because of the benefits of aloe Vera is very large. Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent pimples inflamed and enlarged. In addition, aloe Vera contains natural anti-inflammatory substances, so as to prevent redness of the skin due to pimples

3. Celery leaves

The benefits of celery leaves for pimples may not have been widely known by people. Celery leaves contain vitamin E and vitamin C nourish the skin naturally, while preventing the danger of free radicals. Celery leaves make the face brighter naturally and remove the black pimples scars thanks to the omega-6 content they have.

4. Milk

Milk is a natural ingredient that is able to whiten skin quickly. It is suitable for those of you who have problems with stubborn pimples scars. But for oily skin should choose low-fat milk or skim milk so that the face does not become oilier. Get also the benefits of bear milk for powerful pimples to quickly remove black pimples scars.

5. White Eggs

Egg whites are a popular natural ingredient that effectively reduces facial oils effectively. The content in egg whites that can nourish the skin to the maximum is the enzyme lysozyme, riboflavin, magnesium, protein, and potassium. How to make an egg white mask to get rid of acne or pimple is also easy and simple. Another benefit that can be obtained is to tighten and make the skin more radiant.

6. Apple

Apples included in the pimples-fighting fruit because it has antiseptic and astringent content that makes the skin feel comfortable and light. Anti-fat compounds in apples can also help reduce excess oil on the face. Dead skin cells are also easily removed by apple mask. An apple mask will have no negative impact on your facial skin.

7. Tomatoes

homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin

How to get rid of pimples with tomato masks would be familiar. Tomatoes contain vitamin A and vitamin C is high, so it is very powerful to kill bacteria in pimples. In addition tomatoes can also fade pimples scars and make it brightly glowing naturally.

8. Watermelon Skin

Watermelon skin is rich in vitamin E and vitamin C is good for facial skin. Vitamin E serves nourish and moisturize the skin, as well as shrink pores are large pores due to pimples. Meanwhile, vitamin C can serve as an antioxidant as well as a natural brightening agent that quickly fades pimples scars.

9. Banana

homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin

Banana mask is a way of eliminating pimples stone traditionally is widely used. Banana can be used as a nutrition hair and skin care that makes it healthier and look fresh. Bananas contain vitamin A, B, and E is useful to reduce signs of premature aging such as fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

10. Yogurt

Dairy products this one is very good for treating oily skin and pimples. Yogurt can brighten the skin naturally and fade pimples scars quickly. Good bacteria present in yogurt can fight the growth of pimples-causing bacteria.

11. Honey

homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin

Benefits of honey for pimples are no doubt. Honey is able to remove pimples as well as its scars very effectively. This one natural ingredient also has the benefits of moisturizing, anti-bacterial; reduce irritation, as well as anti-septic. Honey can also shrink enlarged pore pores due to pimples.

12. Bengkoang

As a natural ingredient that is almost always present in every skin care product, bengkoang efficacy for pimples is already proven. Among the benefits of bengkoang for the skin is to reduce the oil on the face naturally, shrink the pore pores and make the skin brighter.

13. Potatoes

homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin

In addition to reducing the excess oil on the face, the benefits of potatoes for pimples is to prevent it to grow again. Potatoes are rich in vitamin B1, vitamin C, and calcium. Black spots and pimples scars can also be easily overcome with a natural mask of potatoes.

14. Apple Vinegar

The benefits of apple vinegar for pimples are actually the same as apples. But the use of apple vinegar is certainly more practical because it does not need to be processed. Apple vinegar contains AHA which can keep skin moist, as well as anti bacteria that fight bacteria that cause pimples.

15. Avocado

homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin

The benefits of an avocado mask for pimples are obtained from the antioxidant and beta-carotene content present in it. Avocado fruit is also able to overcome free radicals and protect the skin from the adverse effects of the environment. Vitamin C and E and unsaturated fatty acids are very healthy for the skin.

How to Make homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin

The above natural ingredients are very good to care for skin beauty to avoid from pimples. Aloe Vera, honey, milk, and apple vinegar can be directly used without having to process it first. For other ingredients, 

15 homemade face mask for pimples and oily skin

here's how to make a mask for oily skin and breakouts naturally.

  1. Prepare the necessary natural ingredients, wash, and peel the skin if necessary.
  2. Puree the material by pounding or blending.
  3. For each ingredient, you can add honey or olive oil.
  4. Apply on face evenly, then let soak for 15 to 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse face with water until clean without the rest of the mask.
Repeat this process 2 times a week for maximum results.
That is the mask for pimples prone skin made from natural ingredients. Using natural ingredients is certainly safer because it is free of chemicals and harmful preservatives.

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