Cystic acne on neck

Cystic acne on neck : Everything about acne is always an interesting thing to talk about. Everyone, especially women will always be interested in the discussion of acne. Every time an acne arises it will definitely bring up new problems. These problems are called the psychological effects of acne such as less confident which resulted in the emergence of socialization problems with the surrounding environment. Acne indeed consists of various types. Different in its kind means different in its condition, different way handling. On this occasion we will discuss the causes of cystic acne on neck

Definition of Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is one type of severe acne experienced by some people. With severe inflammatory acne that has a large size. In adolescent circles of acne stones are caused due to the hormonal puberty which results in effects on the skin. This kind of acne is caused by clogged pores due to bacterial infections that spread in the inner skin which eventually cause inflammation and cause scars if not treated properly. Acne is usually a red lump where it will feel pain if touched or not touched.

cystic acne home treatment

At the age of adolescence or puberty is a more vulnerable or potentially more exposed to cystic acne than those around the age of early 20 years. But the fact is cystic acne can also attack a person at the age of even adults who have menopause though. Areas that are attacked by cystic acne are typically areas of the face, neck, chest, back, upper arms, or shoulders. And that is often attacked by cystic acne is male but female also can be affected.

1. Sweat

Sweat can be a major factor in the appearance of cystic acne on the neck. Sometimes when outdoor activities coupled with the sweltering sun rays generated by the body mixed with dust that sticks to the skin surface. This condition can be the cause of cystic acne on the neck. Especially you include the type of person who rarely bathed or only bathe once a day. Because it is important to maintain skin health especially the neck area.  Although the neck is area of the body that has a sensitive skin if comparison with other skin on the surface of our body. If cleaned up in the right way it will make our neck look clean and well groomed. As well as the neck becomes younger and free of wrinkles.

2. Shave the beard

In adult men will generally appear hair - fine hair around the chin that serves to absorb sweat that comes down from the forehead. But when you do the shaving on the beard is consequently no one to hold the sweat fell to the neck. This situation will make cystic acne easily appear in the neck area.

It should also be noted that shaving the beard should be in a safe manner and without losing it entirely. Because the benefits of the beard for the skin, especially the neck area is very important. The hope is you can still shave the beard without the need to get the result of shaving a beard that is cystic acne that appears on the neck. Keep always good neck cleanliness due to acne or a result of sweat and also allergies for using objects that are not sterile cleanliness.

3. The collar is not loose
In terms of keeping appearance sometimes we forget the comfort of the clothes worn. It could have a narrow and small collar. But because of the good shape and in accordance with the event you want to attend. Very unfortunate if the clothes as good as this is not used but in let it just hang in the cupboard rag. As a result of this habit actually makes the neck of swelter and sweat does not flow perfectly.

Sweat is trapped inside and the pores do not get air to breathe. So the ends of the neck are in a very humid condition. In the same condition gradually it causes cystic acne. Therefore it's good you pay attention to the size of your own collar so as not too narrow or too loose in order to maintain the appearance and also maintain health.

4. Bacteria

The cause of acne in the next neck is the bacteria that cause acne. These bacteria attach to the skin surface and can cause cystic acne. If acne has come it will be very difficult to treat it, especially cystic acne on the neck can disturb your appearance every day. Cystic acne-causing bacteria can be killed by giving natural ingredients or chemical drugs to reduce the amount of cystic acne on the neck.

Do not let the cystic acne on your neck get worse. If there is inflamed cystic acne, it's good you go to a specialist to help treat cystic acne on the inflamed neck. Because if left just the amount of acne appears on the neck becomes more than before.

5. Food

The next causative factor of cystic acne in the neck is the food consumed daily. Foods such as nuts, fries and fast food contain high oils that are not good for skin health and neck skin. Generally the food is in the fry less healthy because it contains oil while a healthy food is a food that is on the boil. Food is boiled to avoid oil or other ingredients as flavoring. Although it feels a bit bland you can add salt to give a more delicious taste.

It's good you try the food on the stew and eliminate the habit of eating unhealthy foods, often interspersed occasionally to satisfy the taste of the food. Good thing to meet the body's need for nutritional vitamins - vitamins needed by the body contained in the benefits of vegetables and the benefits of fruits to maintain your skin health. In choosing the fruit choose the fruit that is fresh and not wilt. Because the fruit is still fresh certainly has good nutrition for health.

cystic acne home remedy
Cystic Acne

6. Razors

In shaving the beard it is also important to use a sterile and healthy razor. Razors that are not clean exactly become the cause of cystic acne on the neck. Therefore, every use of a razor is directly cleaned so as not to cause unhealthy effects for facial skin on the neck. It is important to maintain healthy neck skin because the razor is not clean can cause allergic to the skin. Allergic skin is characterized by itching and redness of the skin. Usually if it has arising itching then a few days later will appear cystic acne on the skin of the neck one by one.

7. Heredity or genetics

Cystic acne can also be caused by heredity or genetic factors. Hereditary factors are one of the main causes of stone acne in most cases. You have a greater potential to suffer from acne stones if one of your parents has also suffered from severe stone pimples. Where, parents who suffer from this skin disorder will transmit the disorder to his son someday. If you have a hereditary factor and have oily skin then reduce and avoid eating fatty foods because oily skin is more likely to cause clogged skin due to excess oil and eating fatty foods will aggravate Cystic acne on neck.

8. Lifestyle

The cause of this second Cystic acne on neck is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. Lifestyle here includes the diet and lifestyle every day. Usually if a person consumes too much fatty food, it can lead to the occurrence of Cystic acne easily. Likes to eat junk food is one of the reasons why it's good for you to eat.

9. Skin Type

Potential skin types will also affect the ease of your skin cystic acne. Where in general the type of oily skin and skin types are easy to sweat will be more potentially affected by this type of acne than those who have dry skin types. The next cause is the type of slow skin generated into new skin will also affect his easy one exposed to Cystic acne on neck because of the difficulty of skin regeneration will make the buildup of dead skin cells so the potential for cystic acne is also getting bigger.

10. Birth control pills

Birth control pills commonly taken by mothers to prevent pregnancy will affect the condition in your body. The condition of this body that is in the form of hormonal imbalance that can activate the production of excess oil and will cause the appearance of cystic acne on your face also Cystic acne on neck . Pregnancy and menstrual factors also affect cystic acne, when menstruation androgen hormones increase. This is the cause of changes in the skin resulting in clogged pores and eventually arise cystic acne problem. To face this acne, then understand the first type of hormone causes acne and how to get rid of acne.

How To Prevent The Emergence Of Cystic Acne

Better to prevent than cure. This proverb is correct because preventing the coming of cystic acne is easier than treating the acne. Because if the face is infected with cystic acne then the treatment also can’t be careless to do because it will take a long time and the cost is not a little even with a dermatologist though. Here's how to prevent the appearance of cystic acne:

Get enough sleep and sleep regularly

Adequate sleep will give the body a chance to heal and repair itself from any kind of damage or cause of acne. It also makes organs become healthier and can work well. If the face is in an optimal position it will be a lot of protection that will fortify the face of the cause of acne.

Diligently Eat Fruits and Vegetables

In addition to adequate sleep, multiply the fruit and vegetable foods are also very good for the body because the fruits and vegetables contain lots of fiber, minerals and vitamins needed by our bodies. The antioxidant elements in fruits and vegetables will counteract free radicals that can damage the skin and vitamin E content that prevents the appearance of cystic acne.

Diligent Drinking Water

Almost 70% of our bodies consist of water. To meet the intake of our body drink 8 glasses of water per day or 2 liters a day to avoid dehydration and make our faces look fresher and avoid cystic acne.

How to Get Rid Of Cystic acne on neck

1. Eliminate Cystic acne on neck with aloe vera gel

cystic acne on neck use aloe vera gel

Aloe vera nutritious to remove Cystic acne on neck. How, take aloe fresh, remove the skin, after that apply mucus directly to the acne face. You should do it regularly every morning and evening for maximum results. Acne stones will peel in 5 days. Because you are doing natural treatments, then do not need to bother with acne scars because it will disappear by itself.

2. Eliminate Cystic acne on neck with lime

Cystic acne on neck with lime

Lime contains lots of vitamin C that is very powerful to treat acne. Take 1 lemon, then cut into 4 parts. Apply every piece on your face evenly, then let stand for 15 minutes. After that bils to clean. Your skin may be sore when using lime. It is a sign of orange juice seeping into the skin and heals your acne.

3. Eliminate Cystic acne on neck with tomato

Cystic acne on neck with tomato

Tomato fruit is able to brighten as well as cure acne on your face. Cut 1 ripe tomato into 2 parts. Then apply the water evenly on your face. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly with cold water. In addition to smearing directly, you can also make tomato juice and drink it regularly.

4. Eliminate Cystic acne on neck with cucumber 

Cystic acne on neck with cucumber

The content of water in cucumber fruit is able to brighten and tighten the skin. Astringent in the cucumber also effectively cure acne. Cut a thin-cucumber then stick it on your face. Do it while lying down so that the cucumber fruit does not fall. Let stand for 30 minutes, then remove the cucumber pieces and rinse the face thoroughly.

5. Eliminate Cystic acne on neck with honey

Cystic acne on neck with honey

Honey is efficacious for health and beauty is also useful to treat Cystic acne. The way is easy, apply pure honey evenly to the entire face then let stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse with water until clean. Perform this treatment regularly every night before bed.

6. Eliminate Cystic acne on neck with olive oil

Cystic acne on neck with olive oil

Olive oil is able to care for the youthfulness of the skin and maintain skin softness. Not only that, olive oil can also remove Cystic acne on neck on your face. Take olive oil to taste, then spread evenly to the entire face. Olive oil not only eliminates acne stone, but also can make the skin more radiant natural face. Allow the olive oil for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Perform this treatment at least every night for a week to get the most out.

7. Remove Cystic acne on neck with potato

Cystic acne on neck with potato

Potato is efficacious to soften the skin and smooth the acne prone skin. Potatoes can also accelerate the process of drying Cystic acne on neck until peeling. The way is mashed potatoes that have been peeled and washed clean. Apply on neck skin like a mask on the face, let stand for 15 to 20 minutes. After that rinse thoroughly. Perform this treatment on a regular basis for maximum results.

8. Treating Cystic acne on neck with baking soda

Cystic acne on neck with baking soda

Baking soda, ingredients to make this cake turned out to contain compounds that can lift dead cells on the skin. Take half a teaspoon of baking soda, mix with water and a little salt to form a paste. Apply on the acne only, let stand for 10 minutes then rinse with water until clean.

10. Treating  Cystic acne on neck with garlic

Cystic acne on neck with garlic

Garlic which has been only a spice kitchen is also useful to cure and treat acne, especially stubborn skin on the neck. Take a half of garlic cloves and puree until soft. Rub thin on the Cystic acne on neck so as not to feel sore. Perform these treatments regularly until the Cystic acne on neck disappears.

11. Treating  Cystic acne on neck with egg whites

Cystic acne on neck with egg whites

Eggs contain many proteins that are able to treat blockage of the skin pores on the face. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites for a while until a little foaming. Then apply evenly across the face. Let stand for 15 minutes until the face feels stiff and tight. Rinse with water until clean. Perform this treatment on a regular basis every night. Egg whites are also able to reduce excess oil on acne-prone faces.

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