10 ways to treat festering and bleeding acne most potent and safe

festering and bleeding acne - Everything about acne never loses a place not to talk about.  Although causing the psychological effects of acne, acne that appears to us do not need to be too thought about because the acne will be able to heal by itself. The cause of acne on the face, the cause of acne on the back or the cause of acne on the check,  the cause of inflamed acne caused by different factors.

When having a little acne it seems it has been very make us become uncomfortable, especially when our acne is already festering to bleeding. In addition to disturbing the appearance, the acne will be very painful. On this occasion we will discuss how to treat festering and bleeding acne.

Many consume fruits and vegetables

Not only treatment from the outside alone, how to get rid ofacne festering and bleeding must also be done from inside. The way that can be done is to start a healthy lifestyle by reducing the consumption of acne-causing foods and switch to anti-acne vegetables and fresh fruits. Some fruits have vitamin E content that is good for your health and acne treatments.

Diligent exercise

As we know, the cause of festering and bleeding acne is dirty blood that is in our body. Dirty blood is caused by improper blood circulation. When you exercise, the blood circulation will become smooth again and automatically the dirty blood will be destroyed. This will make the purulent and bloody acne become restored.

Using young corn

Young corn contains many important substances that the body needs such as high carbohydrate, calcium intake, vitamin A, C B12, B5, potassium, fiber, protein and other important substances. Young corn can also serve as a remedy to relieve festering and bleeding acne.

How to make it:
  • Prepare a seed of young corn, take the seeds and blend until smooth
  • Mix the young corn dough that has been smooth with egg white; stir until slightly like a mask
  • Clean your face before applying this mask
  • Once clean, apply on acne that fester and bleed
  • Wait about 30-40 minutes or until dry
  • Then rinse with warm water

Using garlic

10 ways to treat festering and bleeding acne most potent and safe

Garlic contains essential oils that serve to solidify the antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic so it is very effective for to get rid of festering and bleeding acne.

Here's how to make the potion:
  • Prepare 3 cloves of garlic then mashed finely
  • Make sure your face is clean first
  • Finish this fine garlic to the pimple
  • Let stand a few moments about 30 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water

Using honey

10 ways to treat festering and bleeding acne most potent and safe

Honey is a natural substance that contains nucleic acids DNA, RNA and antibiotics that can help vitality so the skin looks smoother and brighter. Honey also serves to reduce inflammation in acne

Here are the steps to make a honey concoction:
  • Clean face
  • Prepare pure honey then apply to the acne
  • Let stand about 30 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water

Using star fruit

10 ways to treat festering and bleeding acne most potent and safe

Star fruit is a natural acne cure rich in vitamin C. In addition to giving a sour aroma to the cuisine, star fruit also serves as an anti-bacterial to help treat pimples and bloody acne.

Here are the steps to make star fruit potion:
  • Prepare 3-5 seeds of fresh star fruit
  • Pound until smooth
  • Clean the face until clean and then stick the star fruit that has been smooth to acne
  • Wait until 30 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water

Using lime

10 ways to treat festering and bleeding acne most potent and safe

In addition to star fruit which contain lots of vitamin C, lime also contains it. For that, besides lime is useful as a natural ingredient for how to get rid of acne without a trace also can remove the festering and bleeding acne.

Here's how to make a lemon potion:
  • Provide 3 limes then cut 2 parts
  • Squeeze or grab the juice and then pour it into the bottle
  • Wait up to a day
  • After a day, clean face first, and then apply on acne pussy and bleeding
  • Wait or let stand for about 30 minutes
  • Rinse with clean water

Using tomatoes

10 ways to treat festering and bleeding acne most potent and safe

Tomatoes have the ingredients of licopene in maintaining the elasticity of facial skin and vitamin C that can cure pimples and bloody acne.

Here's how to make a tomato concoction:
  • Provide 1 piece of fresh tomatoes then mashed or puree with blender
  • Clean face first
  • Just as sure as you like, apply this tomato all over your face
  • Wait about 30 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water

Using aloe Vera

10 ways to treat festering and bleeding acne most potent and safe

The benefits of aloe Vera for acne no doubt, aloe Vera contains a polysaccharide that acts as an antibacterial to treat acne and bloody pimples and acne become deflated. 

Here's how to get rid of acne with aloe Vera easily:
  • Provide 1 stick of aloe Vera, peel the skin and take the gel
  • Make sure the face is clean first
  • After being washed clean, apply to the part of purulent and bloody pimples
  • Let stand for 30 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water

Using bengkoang

10 ways to treat festering and bleeding acne most potent and safe

Benefits bengkoang for acne is no doubt. B vitamin and C contained in bengkoang very efficacious to minimize pimple and bleeding acne and make the face look brighter. 

Here are the steps to create a bengkoang mask:
  • Provide 1 piece of bengkoang, wash and blend until smooth
  • After that apply this bengkoang bouquet, but before that make sure that your face is clean
  • Let stand until dry
  • Rinse with warm water

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