can we apply tomato on face daily ?

Tomatoes are not only used as one of the healthy food but also act as the ingredient for beauty. Many tomatoes are cultivated not only on plantations for commercial use but also on people's homes for private use. Tomato fruit used as a mask has tremendous benefits for skin health because it has a lot of nutritional content and antioxidant substances that are so necessary for skin health.

There are many benefits of tomatoes that we can feel, including improving your eyesight, lowering blood pressure, preventing urinary tract infections, and protecting your body from cancer. Apart from the benefits to the body, you can use tomatoes for skin care and improve its health.

High levels of lycopene (a type of antioxidant) protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, thereby delaying the effects of aging and protecting the skin from cancer. Tomatoes also contain vitamin C and A content as well as astringent. Before discussing about can we apply tomato on face daily? let's find out about Benefits of Tomatoes

Benefits of Tomatoes For Skin and on face daily

can we apply tomato on face daily

1. Brighten the skin
Using tomato juice and lime on the face can produce brighter and cleaner skin. For those of you who have normal and dry skin can replace the lime with rose water (can be purchased at the supermarket).
This kind of treatment has no side effects on your face and skin unless you have an allergy to tomatoes or your skin can not stand on lemon. Plus, this is a quick way to apply because it does not require much preparation. You can apply a mixture of tomato juice and lime juice to your face while doing daily activities at home.

2. Skin Whitening

Lycopene contained in tomatoes has many benefits. Not only makes the skin protected from premature aging but also able to overcome the burned/ blackened skin due to the sun. Using tomato juice on the skin on a regular basis can help whiten the skin and make it healthier.

3. Maintain skin from the sun

As we have mentioned, lycopene can help overcome the burned skin due to sun exposure (sunburn). Many beauty products to cope with sunburn are recommended by beauty experts that contain lycopene. And if you include tomatoes on your diet and daily skin care, you can reduce the time and money to visit a dermatologist.

4. Good for oily skin

Still in touch with the above, tomatoes are a natural astringent for combination skin and oily skin. Just use tomato juice to prevent the skin becomes slippery and oily look (this will certainly interfere with appearance and become the main cause of acne). If you have to use makeup for a long time, we suggest applying this tomato juice on your face 1-2 hours before so your skin is not too oily and your makeup can last long.

5. Overcoming the open pores

Cut the tomatoes into two parts, take half and rub on your facial skin that has large pores / open. Rub for 15-20 minutes and rinse your face with water afterwards. You do not need special time to do it, this activity you can do while watching television or reading a book. You will feel your skin cleaner and brighter and free of excess oil. Doing this regularly can make your facial skin pores shrink and fade acne scars on your face.

6. Cleans clogged pores

As we have noted above, tomatoes can help absorb the oil that clogs the pores of your facial skin. This of course can make your skin can breathe with relief. Combine tomato juice with sugar or rice flour to make a scrub, apply on the surface of your face with a circular motion around the nose and wash your face with warm water afterwards. You will be able to immediately feel the result: the skin becomes clean and feels soft. This scrub can be used twice a week.

7. against aging
Tomatoes not only give effect to the skin from outside, but also from within. Consumption of 1-2 tomatoes per day can provide good benefits for your skin and hair. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant to prevent skin aging early. Incorporating tomatoes in your daily diet can keep your skin looking young.

Side Effect of Tomato for Face

can we apply tomato on face daily ?

Tomatoes are a fruit rich in water and antioxidants. These antioxidants delay the aging process on the skin and also cleanse the skin from toxins. The citrus acid contained in the tomato is known to whiten the skin naturally (as bleach).

However, everything that is excessive is not good, including in consuming and using tomatoes on your skin. Even some people may have a special allergy to this one fruit. Although tomato side effects on your face and skin are not as numerous and rare (considering more benefits), it would not hurt to be careful in consuming and / or using the fruit versatile of this one.
So what will happen to your skin when it is too much to consume tomatoes?

1. Sensitive to light

Apart from all its benefits, citrus acid is a photosensitizing agent and will make your skin sensitive to UVA rays. Excessive lycopene can also be detrimental to the skin after exposure to UVA rays.

2. Allergic reactions

For those of you who do have a special allergy to tomatoes, photosensitizing and the effects of lycopene can cause your skin to experience a rash and some other allergic reactions like  dermatitis,  itching, irritation, redness, even eczema.

So although tomatoes are a natural beauty ingredient but keep in mind that tomatoes can still cause allergic reactions in some sensitive people. To prevent the onset of allergic reactions on the face, before using a tomato mask on the face you should try it first in a closed area such as the neck or the back of the ear.

Apply a little tomato mask then let stand for 10-15 minutes. If there is no reaction then the tomato mask is safe for use in the face area. However, if itchy, redness or swelling appears on the skin (which is a symptom of an allergic reaction) should immediately clean the rest of the mask and mask should not be used anymore.

How to Make Tomato Mask

can we apply tomato on face daily ?

You can use tomatoes to be used as a mask in treating the face by mixing tomatoes with other healthy ingredients that can increase the properties of the tomato itself.

1. Tomato, lemon and oatmeal

How to prepare this mask is quite easy that is by:
  •  Preparing tomatoes, oatmeal and lemons that have previously been cleansed
  • Blend the tomatoes until smooth then add the lemon juice and oatmeal into it.
  • After the ingredients blend until soft, you can apply it on face and neck evenly. Leave on for approximately 30 minutes.
  • After the spread is dry and soaked, rinse with clean water and do it regularly.

2. Tomatoes and milk

Mixture of both materials can be used as a mask rich in nutrients, minerals and a variety of other good substances. The use of tomatoes and milk can also be used to rejuvenate the skin so you can look youthful.
  •  Prepare tomatoes and pure milk.
  • Blend the tomatoes and add a little water.
  • Strain the tomatoes and use only water.
  • Mix it with whole milk.
  • Keep into the refrigerator until cool.
  • Once the mixture is cold, then you can apply it with cotton on face and neck.
  • Leave for about 10-15 minutes and rinse with clean water.
  • Do not forget to do it regularly.

3. Tomatoes and honey

The combination of tomatoes and honey is a powerful combination to get rid of acne, blackheads and black spots. In addition, this combination can also make skin look brighter.

  •  Prepare 2 fresh tomatoes then blender like making tomato juice.
  • Add 1 Tablespoon of honey into it and stir it evenly.
  • Apply the mask to all parts of the face.
  • Wait approximately 30 minutes until the mask dries and rinse using clean water until the rest of the mask on the face is gone.

4. Tomatoes and cornstarche

How to use tomatoes and cornstarch to treat facial health is easy enough:
  • Blend tomatoes using a blender. Do it without using water in it.
  • Add 1 teaspoon spoon to form a paste.
  • Use it evenly on the face then wait until dry and rinse using clean water.

There are a lot of ingredients that can be used as a mixture of tomato masks in addition to the above ingredients such as lime, sugar and others. Benefits of tomatoes for the face that is used regularly can make your face look more beautiful. Regular use can make your face smoother and able to remove acne, black spots and able to shrink the pores.

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