Pimple on eyebrow

Pimple on eyebrow - Eyebrow is a thin hair that lies over the eyes. Our eyebrows is to hold sweat or water dripping from the head not directly to the eye. But lately the world of beauty gives more attention to the eyebrows. Eyebrows also become one part of the face that must be treated and decorated to support a person's appearance, especially women. So the women now pay more attention to the eyebrows to make it look more beautiful. But the problem in addition to supporting the appearance of eyebrows not spared from existing skin problems such as pimple.

Apparently not only in the eyebrows, but in the area between the eyebrows can be a place of growth of pimple. If it's like this of course again the beauty eyebrows so annoyed. Well to get rid before the eyebrows are grown pimple it helps you find out the cause of the occurrence of pimple on  eyebrow or pimple between the eyebrows are as follows:

1. Tweeze eyebrows

pimples between eyebrows

Eyebrows are part of the face that also enhances the shape of the face, eyebrows are neatly laid out to beautify the face. And often there is also offering to revoke eyebrows. After eyebrow repealed it will be decorated with pencil eyebrows that are temporary. Where to next if a pencil eyebrows had already begun to fade may be added back. But behind it all sometimes eyebrow plucking can cause pimple if not done properly. Sometimes the cleanliness should be maintained to avoid the tweezers from the dirt that can clog pores to arise the pimple, especially pimple between eyebrows.

2.Make up eyebrows
pimples between eyebrows

Make up eyebrows sometimes use eyebrow pencil with different base material. Make up eyebrows using a pencil aims to thicken the color so that the color of the eyebrows look thick black. Here's also the benefit of making up your eyebrows to set up temporary brows if you're not interested at all to pull them out. How to organize eyebrows by using makeup can be done by experts in their field. Make up eyebrows for now has become mandatory so many products for eyebrows that sell well in the market. But in choosing eyebrow make up products should not be arbitrary. Choose the appropriate skin to avoid pimple.

3. Not cleaning eyebrows

Pimple on eyebrow

Make up your eyebrows to beautify looks just fine. Things like this are not prohibited by anyone at all. But after finished and already at home then do not forget to clean the eyebrows until completely clean. The aim is to avoid pimple on eyebrows.

4.  Material eyebrows that do not fit the skin

Pimple on eyebrow

The cause of the next pimple on the eyebrows is a product that is not appropriate. As much as possible for your skin that tends to oily, choose the basic ingredients of the eyebrow powder. Because this material does not close the pores in the eyebrows which, if closed, can cause acne.

5. Consumption of foods high in fat

eyebrow acne

Food is needed for the activity because of the calories contained therein. But all foods contain not only calories but also fat. Fat in the body is needed to protect other organs in sufficient quantities. Because if high fat intake can actually lead to various problems such as obesity, high blood pressure and pimple.

Do you know the consumption of foods high in fat can enhance the possibility of skin overgrown by pimple. Examples of foods with high fat are milk, cheese and processed foods.

We recommend for you who like to snacking try to replace your processed food with juice from fruit and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and antioxidants that are good for the skin. Fiber in fruits and vegetables can help get rid of toxins contained in the body. Here are also useful antioxidants to fight the signs of premature aging of the skin.

6. Lymph node circulation is not smooth

Furthermore, the cause of pimple on eyebrows can be caused by the circulation of lymph nodes that are not smooth. For this problem is a cause that comes from within the body. Lymph nodes in the body have benefits to fight against viruses and bacteria from outside the body. But due to infection sometimes lymph nodes will experience swelling for a while then disappear again. There are several reasons for the circulation of lymph nodes not smooth, among others: Infected with the virus and weak body condition. Usually the cause of acne from within this can be lost after self-examination to the doctor.

Well that's some cause of the appearance of acne on the eyebrow. But you do not worry because acne on the eyebrows can be cured naturally, better to treat acne in the eyebrows in a natural way because in addition to certainly safe from side effects as well as cheap price.

How to Overcome Pimple on Eyebrows

Here how to get rid of Pimple on Eyebrows with natural ingredient :

1. Lime

pimple on eyebrow

Once again the benefits of lime have been tested in dermatology tester. Lime contains antibacterial, summarizes the pores and eliminates pimple naturally. Basically eliminating pimple on eyebrows is the same way to get rid of pimple on the face. So the use of lime for the face can be done in the following way:
  • Provide one lemon.
  • Then split into two parts and wring out to remove the water contained in the lemon.
  • Squeeze on a small plate then the water is applied to the pimple.
  • When applied to the pimple part will feel sore for a while hold up just do not touch.
  • Then wait until 30 minutes and then rinsed with water.
Use of juice of lime can be done as much as once a day until the condition of pimple is completely lost. If it is lost then it can be stopped usage.

2. Papaya

Pimple on eyebrow

Papaya is a fruit with the contents of orange meat and comes from Mexico. Papaya fruit rich in vitamin C is good to brighten and nourish the skin to the inside. That's why papaya fruit can be a natural mask to help remove pimple on eyebrows. The following steps to create a papaya mask include:

  • Provide one ripe papaya and a knife to peel the skin.
  • Peel the skin of papaya until clean and separate from papaya seeds.
  • Cut into thin boxes and put into a blender to be mashed to resemble a paste.
  • After that just then applied on the face especially the eyebrows covered with pimple.
  • Let stand this papaya mask for 30 minutes and then rinse it clean.

The use of this papaya mask is good for all skin types because papaya mask also helps to moisturize the skin naturally.

3. Cucumber

acne between eyebrows

Cucumber fruit rich in water in it, this fruit is also widely used as fresh vegetables because it is rich in fiber. But it turns out that cucumber can also be used for skin beauty as pimple remover. Cucumbers are also widely used as the basic ingredients for the manufacture of beauty products. Cucumber mask is widely used for pimple remover. You can make this mask yourself at home because of its easy way to practice.

Here's how to make a mask from cucumber include:
  • Provide the cucumber you bought and then peel the skin and wash it clean.
  • Afterwards put the cucumber into the blender if too large cucumber can be cut into small pieces.
  • Further mashed to resemble a new paste and then pasted on the face.
  • Installation of this cucumber mask can be done for 30 minutes until the mask dries. After a new dry rinse your face until clean.

That's some natural ingredients that can overcome the pimple on the eyebrows and also face pimple.
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